Fri Apr 8 06:49:41 PDT 2016

Oversight: Form of duties: What form will duties be defined in?


Option 1: Duties are defined in written form in documents.
Option 2: Duties are defined by verbal and other informal means.
Option 3: Duties are defined by email, Web sites, and other similar means.
Option 4: Duties are defined in enterprise-authorized databases with approval processes and workflows.
Option 5: Duties are defined in discussions and department meetings and/or by conduct.


IF the enterprise is of managed maturity or higher THEN Duties are defined in enterprise-authorized databases with approval processes,
OTHERWISE IF the enterprise is of defined maturity or higher THEN Duties are defined in written form in documents,
OTHERWISE IF the enterprise is of repeatable maturity THEN Duties are defined by email, Web sites, and other similar means,
OTHERWISE Duties are defined by verbal and other informal means OR Duties are defined in discussions and department meetings.


Duties are defined in written form in documents.

Formal documentation of duties to protect are highly desirable as other forms do not have the same legal standing and are typically not as clear.

Duties are defined by verbal and other informal means.

Verbally or otherwise informally defined duties create problems for management and workers as well. While immature programs use these they are not advised.

Duties are defined by email, Web sites, and other similar means.

As enterprises mature, they may use Web sites, emails, and other media to inform workers of duties, but this methodology is problematic because it is poor at handling changes and in carrying out the other rigors of change control commonly associated with more mature enterprises.

Duties are defined in enterprise-authorized databases with approval processes and workflows.

More mature enterprises maintain change control processes surrounding the definitions of duties and these processes are ultimately managed by databases with defined interfaces, historical records, and proper notification and work flow processes surrounding them.

Duties are defined in discussions and department meetings and/or by conduct.

Discussions and department meetings or other similar arenas are sometimes used to train workers on duties, but this is a poor place to define them. Informally defined duties create problems for management and workers as well. While immature programs use these they are not advised.

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