Table of contentsThe Structure of Information Protection
Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4
The Great Wall
The Maginot Line
Iraqs dug in armies
Why Defenses Fail
How Cyber-Defenses Fail
Viruses in TCBs
Slide 12
Minimum firewall costs
Slide 14
E-commerce Holes
Slide 16
The Christma, Mellisa, LoveBug
Why Cyber Defenses Fail
Threat mis-assessment
Slide 20
Winning example
Slide 22
The Challenge
Threats Vulnerabilities &Consequences
The threats are real
What/Who Causes Harm?
We are vulnerable+
Examples: corruption
Examples: denial of services
Examples: information leaks
50 Ways and 40 attacks/month
Mechanisms (94 classes)
Some more facts and figures
Personal consequences
Business Consequences
Social Consequences
Global Consequences
T&V&C=> Risk
We manage risk
Approaches to Managing Risks+
An Analytical Approach
Limiting Complexity
A Feedback Control Model
An organizational approach
Organizational change process
A risk staging approach
Risk handling can be staged as
A Gaming Approach
The Network Game
Risk Analysis Approaches
Risk Management Summary
Questions and Comments?
Thank You!
Author: Fred Cohen
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