Table of Contents
Controlling Large-Scale Deceptions
Fred Cohen
The Great Wall
The Maginot Line
Iraq’s dug in armies
Why military defenses fail
How Cyber-Defenses Fail
How Cyber-Defenses Fail
How Cyber-Defenses Fail
How Cyber-Defenses Fail
How Cyber-Defenses Fail
How Cyber-Defenses Fail
Why cyber defenses fail
Deception: A Tool for Cyber Warfare
Deception as a Defense
PPT Slide
Deceptive Defense Examples
Deceptive Defense Examples
Deceptive Defense Examples
Deceptive Defense
Deceptive Defense Properties
Other Honey Pot Systems
The Original Deception ToolKit
Deception Toolkit Example
A DTK Session
The view from inside
Other DTK actions
New Innovation #1 - Patent PendingMultiple Deceptions in One BoxEven though it looks like a lot of deception boxesthey all operate in a single PC and appear to be different
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
New Innovation # 2 - Patent PendingMultiple Address TranslationsAddresses are translated multiple times to allow deception networks to be separated from normal networks, to allow ‘real’ machines to replace low fidelity deceptions, and to allow increased indirection & obscurity
What the Student Sees
The Reality
A Larger Scale Example - Patent PendingThis example is operating in a Class Bnetwork and emulates up to 40,000 systems
The Second Practical Use
A Distributed Computing Example - Pat. Pend.
Two Translation Designs - Pat. Pend.
Another Application - LEAN:
A Minor Problem
Fancy automated system design
Fancy automated stuff II
Fancy Stuff III
Stuff 4
Controlling LEAN
PPT Slide
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