Responder Help Card
Copyright (c) 2002+ Fred Cohen & Associates - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Face Type SRC and DST Flags Action
eth0 Arp IP [Ss]yn Deny [arg]
eth1 Icmp IP:Port [Aa]ck daZzle [arg]
... Tcp IP:Port:MAC [Ff]in Mirror
lo Udp . [Pp]sh Garble [a][%]
* OtherIP D [arg] [Uu]rg Ignore
. * Fin [Rr]st Slow
G [a][%] . Rst [Cc]ontinue Pose [s][d][face]
Tickle Z [arg] noHost [Vv]erbose .
Itch Garble noNet [Dd]etails a.b.c.d:p:m:m:m:m:m:m
Poke Random norouTe [Mm]ac s/D 0-255.*.12.12-90:@p:@m
Stab ; comment . end rules . =.+2.-5.g:r:...
Hashsets: Host Port Mac [HPM] name [entry ]+
Lisp: ( preset [ on arrival ! pre-test e.g., (setq ttlpolicy :TTLwin)
? in cond : pre-action + post action e.g., ?(< ttl 2)

Some Examples:

(format t "~%********************Welcome to Responder*****************~%")
H weird		; murkey hash with initial values
H bad				; initialize bad hash - no values yet
P fake 21 22 23 25 80 443	; fake ports
H fake	; fake hosts
M fake 1:1:1:1:1:1		; fake MAC address
!(format t "~a~%" arphash)	; show arp hash
!(format t "~a~%" hashweird)	; show murkey hash

; hashing ARPs
:(setarphash (SLOT FROM 'SA_DATA) (arpsrc) (frommac))
* A 204.7.229.* * c I	; store ARPs in ARP cache for all ARP packets and go on
:(setarphash (SLOT FROM 'SA_DATA) (src) (frommac))
* IUTO 204.7.229.* * c I ; store ARPs in ARP cache for all ARP packets and go on

; set arphash with source from other interface to eth0
+(setarphash '(101 116 104 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) (src) (frommac))
eth1 A @target * Dv F eth0	; eth1 ARPs forwarded to eth0

(setq ttlpolicy :TTLlin)	; default Linux TTLs
(setq TTLdistance 2)		; ttl reduction - behind a router
; set window to 0 for slowing TCP sessions
:(progn (setf (b (+ 14 offset)) 0) (setf (b (+ 15 offset)) 0))
eth0 T @bad * - Z G	; dazzle TCP on eth0 garble mode with window 0
:(if (> (inchash hashweird (list (src))) 7) (sethash hashbad (list (src))) )
:(sethash hashweird (list (src)))
eth0 T * @fake:@fake - Z R	; fake hosts count weird - turn bad
* * * * - I			; this is the default last rule - Ignore all