AuditNet Auditors Sharing Audit Programs (ASAP)

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In the interest of "progress through sharing", auditors began submitting audit programs to listserves to share with their peers that requested assistance. Taking that concept one step further I recently posted a request to auditors to submit audit programs for a library that auditors could access when needed. The audit programs are those submitted by auditor's in the worldwide community of AuditNet.

Programs in the ASAP are included from submitting AuditNet participants without editing or modification. We have assumed that the submitted programs have been developed or modified by the submitting auditor and therefore are not subject to copyright restrictions. The programs are provided as is and therefore we are not responsible for any errors or omissions. The programs should be carefully reviewed and modified to meet the needs of your organization.

If you would like to contribute a program send it via email to The master copy of the AuditNet pages are located HERE