A PBX Audit Checklist

This list was compiled from a brave posting made on the CISSA's mailing list and then augmented with principles from Protection and Security on the Information Superhighway .

Part K - Legal Considerations

Check all that apply:

Members of legal staff are expert in areas of the law related to information technology.
Legal expertise includes in-depth background in:
Employee agreements are checked for legal and liability requirements.
All agreements with vendors have been checked to conform with all corporate legal and liability requirements.
All maintenance agreements are signed and up-to-date.
Corporate policy, standards, procedures, and documentation has been checked by the legal department for issues that might result in liability and for enforcability.
Incident response plans have been checked by the legal department to assure that legal requirements are fulfilled in incident reponse for corporate liability limitation and for the ability to prosecute.
Legal requirements for insurance have been verified.
With maximum value of