
Table of




The bibliography lists field manuals by new number followed by old number.

Documents Needed

These documents must be available to the intended users of this publication.

JP 1-02. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.
Available online at http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/doddict/

FM 1-02 (FM 101-5-1). Operational Terms and Graphics. 30 Sep. 1997.

Readings Recommended

These sources contain relevant supplemental information.

Joint publications

Most joint publications are available online at http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/

(S) CJCSI 3121.01A. Standing Rules of Engagement for US Forces (U). 01  Sep.  1999.

CJCSM 3113.01. Theater Engagement Planning. 01 Feb. 1998.

CJCSM 3500.04B. Universal Joint Task List. 01 Oct. 1999.

Joint Doctrine Encyclopedia. 16 Jul. 1997.

Joint Military Operations Historical Collection. 15 Jul. 1997.

JP 0-2. Unified Action Armed Forces (UNAAF). 24 Feb. 1995.

JP 1-0. Doctrine for Personnel Support to Joint Operations. 19 Nov. 1998.

JP 1-02. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. Available online at http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/doddict/

JP 1-05. Religious Ministry Support for Joint Operations. 26 Aug. 1996.

JP 1-06. Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Financial Management During Joint Operations. 22 Dec. 1999.

JP 2-0. Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations. 09 Mar. 2000.

JP 3-0. Doctrine for Joint Operations. 1 Feb. 1995.

JP 3-07. Joint Doctrine for Military Operations Other Than War. 16 Jun. 1995.

JP 3-07.1. Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Foreign Internal Defense (FID). 26 Jun. 1996.

JP 3-07.2. Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Antiterrorism. 17 Mar. 1998.

JP 3-07.3. Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Peace Operations. 12  Feb. 1999.

JP 3-07.4. Joint Counterdrug Operations. 17 Feb. 1998.

JP 3-07.5. Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Noncombatant Evacuation Operations. 30 Sep. 1997.

JP 3-07.7. Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Domestic Support Operations. TBP.

JP 3-08. Interagency Coordination During Joint Operations. 2 volumes. 9  Oct.  1996.

JP 3-09. Doctrine for Joint Fire Support. 12 May 1998.

JP 3-11. Joint Doctrine for Operations in Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Environments. 11 Jul. 2000.

JP 3-13. Joint Doctrine for Information Operations. 9 Oct. 1998.

JP 3-14. Joint Doctrine for Space Operations. TBP.

JP 3-16. Joint Doctrine for Multinational Operations. 05 Apr. 2000.

JP 3-18. Joint Doctrine for Forcible Entry Operations. TBP.

JP 3-33. Joint Force Capabilities. 13 Oct. 1999.

JP 3-35. Joint Deployment and Redeployment Operations. 7 Sep. 1999.

JP 3-53. Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations. 10 Jul. 1996.

JP 3-54. Joint Doctrine for Operations Security. 24 Jan. 1997.

JP 3-55. Doctrine for Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition Support for Joint Operations. 14 Apr. 1993.

JP 3-57. Doctrine for Joint Civil Affairs. 21 Jun. 1995.

JP 3-58. Joint Doctrine for Military Deception. 31 May 1996.

JP 3-59. Joint Doctrine, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedure for Meteorological and Oceanographic Support. 23 Mar. 1999.

JP 3-60. Joint Doctrine for Targeting. TBP.

JP 3-61. Doctrine for Public Affairs in Joint Operations. 14 May 1997.

JP 4-0. Doctrine for Logistic Support of Joint Operations. 06 Apr. 2000.

JP 4-01. Joint Doctrine for the Defense Transportation System. 17 Jun. 1997.

JP 4-01.6. Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Joint Logistics Over the Shore. 12 Nov. 1998

JP 4-01.8. Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Joint Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration. 13 Jun. 2000.

JP 4-02. Doctrine for Health Service Support in Joint Operations. 26 Apr. 1995.

JP 4-03. Joint Bulk Petroleum Doctrine. 25 Jul. 1995.

JP 4-04. Joint Doctrine for Civil Engineering Support. 26 Sep. 1995.

JP 4-05. Joint Doctrine for Mobilization Planning. 22 Jun. 1995.

JP 4-06. JTTP for Mortuary Affairs in Joint Operations. 28 Aug. 1996.

JP 4-07. Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Common User Logistics During Joint Operations. TPB.

JP 4-08. Joint Doctrine for Logistic Support of Multinational Operations. TBP.

JP 5-0. Doctrine for Planning Joint Operations. 13 Apr. 1995.

JP 5-03.1. Joint Operation Planning and Execution System, Volume I (Planning and Procedures). 04 Aug. 1993.


Most Army doctrinal publications are available online at

AR 71-9. Materiel Requirements. 30 Apr. 1997. Available online at http://books.usapa.belvoir.army.mil/cgi-bin/bookmgr/BOOKS/ R71_9/CCONTENTS

DA Memo 10-1. Executive Agent Responsibilities assigned to the Secretary of the Army. 15 Jan. 1997.

FM 1 (FM 100-1). The Army. 14 Jun. 1994.

FM 1-0 (FM 12-6). Personnel Doctrine. 09 Sep. 94.

FM 1-04 (FM 27-100). Legal Support to Operations. 01 Mar. 2000.

FM 1-05 (FM 16-1). Religious Support. 26 May 1995.

FM 1-06 (FM 14-100). Financial Management Operations. 07 May 1997.

FM 1-08 (FM 12-50). U.S. Army Bands. 15 Oct. 1999.

FM 2-0 (FM 34-1). Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations. 27 Sep. 1994.

FM 2-01.3 (FM 34-130). Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield. 08 Jul. 1994.

FM 2-33.2 (FM 34-81). Weather Support for Army Tactical Operations. 31 Aug. 1989.

FM 3-01.94 (FM 44-94). Army Air and Missile Defense Command Operations. 31  Mar.  2000.

FM 3-04.500 (FM 1-500). Army Aviation Maintenance. 27 Jan. 1995.

FM 3-05 (FM 100-25). Doctrine for Army Special Operations Forces. 01 Aug. 1999.

FM 3-05.30 (FM 33-1). Psychological Operations. 01 Jun. 2000.

FM 3-06 (FM 90-10). Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) (How to Fight). 15 Aug. 1979.

FM 3-07 (FM 100-20). Military Operations in Low Intensity Conflict. 05 Dec. 1990. When revised, FM 3-07 will be retitled Stability Operations and Support Operations.

FM 3-07.2. Force Protection. TBP.

FM 3-07.3 (FM 100-23). Peace Operations. 30 Dec. 1994.

FM 3-07.6 (FM 100-23-1). HA¾ Multiservice Procedures for Humanitarian Assistance Operations. 31 Oct. 1994.

FM 3-07.7 (FM 100-19). Domestic Support Operations. 01 Jul. 1993.

FM 3-09 (FM 6-20). Fire Support in the AirLand Battle. 17 May 1988.

FM 3-11 (FM 3-100). Chemical Operations Principles and Fundamentals. 08  May  1996.

FM 3-11.4 (FM 3-4). NBC Protection. 29 May 1992.

FM 3-11.14 (FM 3-14). Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Vulnerability Analysis. 12 Nov. 1997.

FM 3-13 (FM 100-6). Information Operations. 27 Aug. 1996.

FM 3-14 (FM 100-18). Space Support to Army Operations. 20 Jul. 1995.

FM 3-16 (FM 100-8). The Army in Multinational Operations. 24 Nov. 1997.

FM 3-34.250 (FM 5-104). General Engineering. 12 Nov. 1986.

FM 3-35 (FM 100-17). Mobilization, Deployment, Redeployment, Demobilization. 28  Oct. 1992.

FM 3-35.1 (FM 100-17-1). Army Pre-Positioned Afloat Operations. 27 Jul. 1996.

FM 3-35.2 (FM 100-17-2). Army Pre-Positioned Land. 16 Feb. 1999.

FM 3-35.5 (FM 100-17-5). Redeployment. 29 Sep. 1999.

FM 3-55. Reconnaissance Operations. TBP.

FM 3-57 (FM 41-10). Civil Affairs Operations. 11 Jan. 1993.

FM 3-60 (FM 6-20-10). Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for the Targeting Process. 08 May 1996.

FM 3-90. Tactics. TBP.

FM 3-100.7 (FM 100-7). Decisive Force: The Army in Theater Operations. 31  May  1995.

FM 3-100.11 (FM 100-11). Force Integration. 15 Jan. 1998.

FM 3-100.14 (FM 100-14). Risk Management. 23 Apr. 1998.

FM 3-100.16 (FM 100-16). Army Operational Support. 31 May 1995. FM 3-100.16 will be superseded by portions of FM 3-100.7 and FM 4-0 when these manuals are republished.

FM 3-100.21 (FM 100-21). Contractors on the Battlefield. 26 Mar. 2000.

FM 3-100.22 (FM 100-22). Installation Management. 11 Oct. 1994.

FM 3-100.38 (FM 100-38). UXO Multiservice Procedures for Operations in an Unexploded Ordnance Environment. 10 Jul. 1996.

FM 4-0 (FM 100-10). Combat Service Support. 03 Oct. 1995.

FM 4-01 (FM 55-1). Transportation Operations. 03 Oct. 1995.

FM 4-01.4 (FM 100-10-1). Theater Distribution. 01 Oct. 1999.

FM 4-01.8 (FM 100-17-3). Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration. 17 Mar. 1999.

FM 4-02 (FM 8-10). Health Service Support in a Theater of Operations. 01 Mar. 1991.

FM 4-20 (FM 10-1). Quartermaster Principles. 11 Aug. 1994.

FM 4-30.2 (FM 9-43-1). Maintenance Operations and Procedures. 21 Feb. 1997.

FM 4-30.11 (FM 21-16). Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Procedures. 30 Aug. 1994.

FM 4-30.12 (FM 9-15). Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service and Unit Operations. 08 May 1996.

FM 4-93.4 (FM 63-4). Combat Service Support Operations–Theater Army Area Command. 24 Sep. 1984.

FM 4-100.2 (FM 100-10-2). Contracting Support on the Battlefield. 04 Aug. 1999.

FM 4-100.9 (FM 100-9). Reconstitution. 13 Jan. 1992.

FM 5-0 (FM 101-5). Staff Organizations and Operations. 31 May 1997. When revised, FM 5-0 will be retitled Planning.

FM 6-0. Command and Control. TBP.

FM 6-22 (FM 22-100). Army Leadership. 31 Aug. 1999.

FM 7-0 (FM 25-100). Training the Force. 15 Nov. 1988.

FM 7-10 (FM 25-101). Battle Focused Training. 30 Sep. 1990.

FM 7-15. Army Universal Task List (AUTL). TBP.


DOD Directives available online at http://web7.whs.osd.mil/corres.htm

DOD Civil Disturbance Plan, Annex C (Concept of Operations), Appendix 8 (Special Instructions), 15 Feb. 1991; modified by Director of Military Support message 161639Z Jul. 96, Subject: Changes to DOD Civil Disturbance Plan¾ "Garden Plot." . Available online at http://freddie.forscom.army.mil/maca/Word/GardenPlot.doc

DODD 3025.15. Military Assistance to Civil Authorities. 18 Feb. 1997.

DODD 3100.10. Space Policy. 09 Jul. 1999.

DODD 5100.1. Functions of the Department of Defense and Its Major Components. 25 Sep. 1987.

DODD 5100.46. Foreign Disaster Relief. 4 Dec. 1975.

DODD 5160.54. Critical Asset Assurance Program (CAAP). 20 Jan. 1998.

DODD 5525.5. DOD Cooperation with Civilian Law Enforcement Officials. 15  Jan. 1986.

"DOD Principles of Information." Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 01 Apr. 1997. Available online at http://www/defenselink.mil/admin/about.html#PrinInfo

National Military Strategy of the United States of America, 1997. Available online at http://www.dtic.mil/jcs/nms


The United States Code is available online at http://uscode.house.gov/usc.htm

Arms Export Control Act (Public Law 90-629, Oct. 22, 1968, [82 Stat. 1320]; see Title 22 USC, section 2751, Short Title note).

Authority to Use Army and Air National Guard in Certain Counterdrug Operations (Title 32 USC, section 112).

Civil Military Cooperation Action Program (Title 10 USC, section 401).

Defense Against Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-201, section xiv [110 Stat. 2422]). Available online at http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/publaw/104publ.html

Federal Response Plan. Available online at http://www.fema.gov/r-n-r/frp

Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (Public. Law 87-195, Sept. 4, 1961, [75 Stat. 424]; see Title 22 USC, section 2151, Short Title note).

Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1986 (Title 10 USC, Subtitle A, Part I, Chapter 5). Available online at http://dtic.mil/jcs/core/title_10.html

Insurrection Act (Title 10 USC, Chapter 15).

Military Support for Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies (Title 10 USC, sections 371-382, Chapter 18).

National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 495, chapter 343; see Title 50 USC, section 401, Short Title note).

National Security Decision Directive 221, Narcotics and National Security, 08 Apr. 1986.

Posse Comitatus Act (Title 18 USC, section 1385).

Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Title 42 USC, sections 5142–5203).

Title 10 USC, Annex B, section 3013 (responsibilities of the secretary of the Army).