Report: DSTO-TR-0596

Title: Supporting a Component-Based Software Engineering Approach for the Development of Takari Products and Future Command and Control

Author: R J Vernik, M P Phillips and S F Landherr

Number: DSTO-TR-0596

Date: March 1998

Executive Summary: This report discusses issues related to the methods and tools required to support the development and evolution of future generations of Command Control Communications Intelligence and Information Warfare (C31/IW) systems. It focuses on concepts and approaches defined as part of the Takari programme and considers issues related to tool support for the development of Takari Capability and Technology Demonstrators (CTDs) such as the proposed Experimental C31 Technology Environment (EXC31TE). A Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) lifecycle, which includes both Domain Engineering and Product Engineering, is proposed as a possible development strategy. A tool categorisation framework is defined to help define tool requirements. An initial survey of CBSE tools provides examples of currently available tools which could be considered for each of the tool categories.


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