Military Review
Headquarters, Department of the Army
Prepared by
VOLUME LXXVIII -March-April 1998, NO 2
Professional Bulletin 100-98-1/2



2 Army After Next

3 Army After Next Technology: Forging Possibilities into Reality
by Brigadier General Edward T. Buckley Jr., US Army;
Lieutenant Colonel Henry G. Franke III, US Army; and
A. Fenner Milton

10 Strategic Preemption
by Brigadier General Edward T. Buckley Jr., US Army, and
Lieutenant Colonel Antulio J. Echevarria II, US Army

15 Optimizing Future Battle Command Technologies
by Brigadier General Huba Wass de Czege, US Army, Retired, and Major Jacob Biever, US Army

22 The Enemy After Next
by Colonel John M. House, US Army

28 Evolving Information-Age Battle Staffs
by Colonel Stephen F. Garrett, US Army

        Battle Command Systems: The Force XXI Warfighter's Advantage
            by Major Mark C. Malham, US Army, and Debora Gabbard

37 University After Next
by Lieutenant General Montgomery C. Meigs, US Army, and
Colonel Edward J. Fitzgerald III, US Army

46 Leading in the Army After Next
by Bernard M. Bass ©

58 Information-Age Warfare

59 Solving Threat SOF Challenges
by General John H. Tilelli Jr., US Army, and
Lieutenant Colonel William P. Gerhardt, US Army

65 US Army Service Component Command
by Colonel Mark H. Gerner, US Army

70 Projecting Combat Power
by Major General Kevin P. Byrnes, US Army;
Colonel David F. Melcher, US Army;
Colonel Stephen M. Speakes, US Army; and
Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth F. Fisher Jr., US Army

77 Fighting Cybercrime
by John C. Coale

83 Information-Age Warfare: A Working Bibliography
by Timothy L. Sanz

91 Insights

Building the 21st-Century Heavy Division
by General William W. Hartzog, US Army, and
Lieutenant Colonel James G. Diehl, US Army

Civilian Development: Where Do We Go From Here?
by Susan C. Foster and
Brenda Small

100 From My Bookshelf

Thinking Out of the Box: A Force XXI Reading List
by Captain Gregory Conti, US Army

101 Almanac

Women in American Military History: 1776-1918
by Stephen C. Small

105 Book Reviews contemporary readings for the professional

C3 CGSC Notes