State of Alaska DRAFT Security Policies

Back-Up Category

Policy ID No. Policy Policy Text Policy Commentary
79.0 Store Critical Production Data Securely At Off-Site Location Backups of essential business information and software must be stored in an environmentally protected and access-controlled site, which is a sufficient distance away from the originating facility to escape a local disaster. The intention of this policy is to require that up-to-date backup media is stored at a location some distance from its primary location. If a bomb goes off and destroys a building, then backups which were co-located with the original copies will be of very little, or no use whatsoever. The policy also makes a point of emphasizing the need for environmental controls, because excessive heat and airborne particulate matter can damage some types of magnetic recording media. Likewise, only authorized people should be able to access the remotely located backups. In some cases encryption of backups will be advisable in order to assure that only authorized people can access this critical information stored on these backups.