Strategic Security Intelligence

NSTSSI Security Education Standards


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3.    Ensure the IS is accredited and certified if it processes sensitive information
      a.    Certification Function
            (1)    Assessments (e.g., surveys, inspections)

                   E  - develop assessments for the purpose of certifying an IS;
                   E  - prepare assessments for use during the certification of an IS; and
                   I     - review assessments for the purpose of certification of an IS.
            (2)    Verification and Validation Process
                   A  - direct the verification and validation process as part of the certification of
                           an IS.

            (3)    Technical Certification

                   A  - direct the technical certification of an IS.

      b.    Accreditation Function
            (1)    Users

                   E  - direct the efforts of users in the accreditation process.
            (2)    System Administrator (SA)
                   E  - direct the efforts of the SA in the accreditation process.
            (3)    Managers
                   E  - direct the efforts of Managers in the accreditation process.

            (4)    ISSO
                   E  - initiate the accreditation process;
                   I     - organize the accreditation process;
                   A  - complete the accreditation process; and
                   A  - obtain DAA approval.