Strategic Security Intelligence

NSTSSI Security Education Standards


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6.    Ensure audit trails are reviewed periodically (e.g., weekly, daily), and audit records are
                            archived for future reference, if required

      a.    Auditing Tools
            (1)    Audit Trail and Logging

                   E       - follow audit policy and procedures;
                   E       - activate required audit features;
                   E       - review audit trail/log, as required;
                   I       - monitor the use of audit trails and logging;
                   I       - analyze audit trail/log for anomalies;
                   I       - report audit anomalies;
                   A       - develop policy and procedures on the use of audit trails and logging; and
                   A       - define required audit features.
            (2)    Error Logs/System Logs

                   E       - follow policy and procedures;
                   E       - follow policy and procedures;
                   E       - review error logs/system logs, as required;
                   I       - monitor the use of error logs/system logs;
                   I       - analyze error logs/system logs for anomalies;
                   I       - report anomalies; and
                   A       - develop policy and procedures on the use of error logs/system logs.

            (3)    Monitoring

                   (a)      Electronic Monitoring (EM)
                            E    - outline known means of electronic monitoring; and
                            I    - use results of EM reports.

                   (b)      Keystroke Monitoring
                            E    - outline keystroke monitoring policy and procedures;
                            E    - comply with keystroke monitoring policy and procedures;
                            I    - enforce the use of keystroke monitoring in compliance with policy;
                            A    - develop keystroke monitoring policy and procedures in compliance
                                  with legal requirements.
            (4)    Protective Technology

            (Note:  not applicable to entry or intermediate level and must be monitored for
                            events by the advanced level when applicable.)
                   A       - integrate the use of protective technology; and
               A    - monitor the use of protective technology.

      (5)      Automated Security Tools
               E    - list and be able to identify by name various tools;
               I    - integrate the use of automated security tools; and
               I    - monitor the use of automated security tools.
               E    - use expert system tools (i.e., audit reduction and intrusion detection)
               I    - analyze results from expert systems and make recommendations for
                     improvement; and
               A    - evaluate products and recommend acquisition of expert systems tools to
b.    Configuration Management

               I    - integrate IS security requirements into the configuration management
               I    - review proposed changes to the configuration and recommend change
                     based on security requirements;
               I    - perform security testing prior to implementation ensuring changes made
                     to the systems do not violate security policy; and
               I    - require accountability of copyrighted software in accordance with software
                     licensing agreements.
c.    Audit
      (1)      Reconciliation
               E    - monitor the reconciliation of audit logs.
      (2)      Security Reviews
               E    - monitor the use of security reviews; and
               I    - prepare security reviews.
      (3)      Metrics      

               E    - monitor the use of metrics.

      (4)      Conformance Testing

               E    - monitor conformance testing.
      (5)      Contingency Plan Testing   
               E    - develop contingency plan testing procedures; and
               E    - monitor contingency plan testing.
      (6)      Disaster Recovery Plan Testing
                    E    - develop disaster recovery plan testing; and
                    E    - monitor disaster recovery plan testing.

            (7)     Alarms, Signals, & Reports
                    E    - monitor the use of alarms, signals, and reports.
            (8)     Periodic Review of Audit Trails
                    I    - direct the use of periodic reviews of audit trails.
      d.    Policies
            (1)     Change Control Policies
                    E    - develop change control policies;
                    E    - monitor change control policies;
                    E    - revise change control policies; and
                    E    - upgrade change control policies.
            (2)     Agency Specific Security Policies
                    E    - monitor agency specific security policies; and
                    E    - develop agency specific security policies.