Self-Replicating Processes

Self-Replicating Processes

Copyright(c) Management Analytics, 1995 - All Rights Reserved

Copyright(c), 1990, 1995 Dr. Frederick B. Cohen - All Rights Reserved


Occasionally, a user creates a process that repeatedly spawns copies of itself. Each copy also replicates, and so on. The net effect is that it becomes nearly impossible to eliminate all of these processes without a system reboot. The reason it is so hard to get rid of this sort of process is that each time we kill one copy, another one is created to take its place.


We can limit the number of processes available to a user, or otherwise restrict the rate of process spawning to slow the effect, but ultimately, we cannot deny users the ability to use the capabilities of UNIX and still have a workable environment.


Detecting run away processes is usually pretty easy because the process table fills and this produces error messages on the console. In some cases, the user will let you know that they made a mistake and cannot access their account. Thrashing may also be an indicator of this problem.


The only way to stop a self-relicating process during normal operation is to place a very high priority on the processes killing the worm segments. This rarely succeeds, and more often than not, a system reboot is required.