[iwar] Historical posting

From: Fred Cohen
From: fc@all.net
To: iwar@onelist.com

Mon, Jan 1, 1999

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Date: Mon, Jan 1, 1999
From: Fred Cohen 
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Subject: [iwar] Historical posting


U.S. Web probe seeks German hacker - report
Investigators tracking hackers who shut down a number of leading Web
sites this week are following a lead in Germany, Die Welt newspaper
reported on Saturday. The FBI-led National Infrastructure Protection
Center (NIPC) believes that a hacker who goes by the alias ``Mixter''
and who breaks into networks with a program called ``Stacheldraht''
(''Barbed Wire''), may be based in Germany.

Yahoo Says DoS Attack Was Sophisticated - Reports
Engineers at Yahoo.com Inc. are reportedly refuting the suggestion made
by many security experts and law enforcement officials that the so-called
denial of service attack that ground it servers to a halt Monday could
have been mounted by just about any teenager with a computer. Yahoo
network engineer Jan B. Koum apparently sent a report Thursday to the CERT
Coordination Center security task force at Carnegie Mellon University in
Pittsburgh describing the attack from Yahoo's perspective, saying the
perpetrator was not "your average script kiddie."
[FC - This shows just how clueless Yahoo is...]

Evidence Suggests Web Attacks Were Work of More Than One Group
Computer security experts said today that evidence may now suggest the
three days of attacks on leading Web sites had been the work of more than
one person or group.
(NY Times article, free registration required)

South Korea steps up security against Web hackers
South Korea's information ministry has announced plans to step up security
against computer hackers after a wave of Internet vandalism in the United
States. ``We are first placing focus on raising awareness of the need to
be ready to cope with attacks by hackers,'' said Chun Song-bae, an official
of the Ministry of Information and Communication.

Hackers Using Korean Networks
The Korea Information Security Agency (KISA) announced Friday a total of 596
cases of computer hacking occurred in Korea last year, among which 284 were
made from overseas. In addition these foreign hackers used Korean networks
to hack into networks in other countries on 183 occasions. As a result there
are messages on Internet bulletin board sites (BBS) written by security
experts and hackers, criticizing Korea's unsafe networks.

EU Moves On Denial-of-Service Attacks
The European Union (EU) said that it is working closely with law enforcement
and cybercrime operations in its various member countries, as well as
collaborating with CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) officials in the
US. In a prepared statement, the EU said that this week's distributed denial of
service (DDoS) attacks on various high profile Web sites is unacceptable, and,
as a result, has committed to speeding up its own internal processes to counter
the problem.

[FC - There are a LOT of other stories related to these attacks, but I
will try to keep IW as the focus. Your feedback on how much of the Web
DoS attacks to include is welcomed.]