[iwar] [fc:The.Sequential.War]

From: Fred Cohen (fc@all.net)
Date: 2001-10-25 19:02:24

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Subject: [iwar] [fc:The.Sequential.War]
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                          The Sequential War
                            Jack Wheeler
                     Freedom Research Foundation
                           October 22, 2001

Blindingly obvious yet still politically incorrect to point out,
America and Western Civilization are not engaged in a War on
Terrorism. It is rather a War on Moslem Terrorism that we are
conducting. We are not at war with every group of terrorists in the
world. We are not at war, for example, with Irish terrorists, Basque
terrorists, Tamil terrorists, or Hutu terrorists. Instead, America is
at war with one specific, identifiable species of terrorism: Moslem
terrorism. The only terrorists America is at war with are Moslem

Every single individual who planned and participated in The Atrocity
of September 11, every single individual on President Bush’s 22 Most
Wanted List are Moslems, adherents to the religion of Islam. Does this
mean that America and Western Civilization are at war with all
Moslems, at war with Islam? No. It means that there is a particular
pathology confined to believers in Islam, a moral disease within the
body of the world Moslem community which is especially acute in Arab
Moslems, and it is this with which America is now at war.
It is the moral disease that Nazism, Communism, and Moslem Terrorism
all have in common: criminally pathological envy. Yet we do not need
to figure out how to cure Moslem Terrorists of their envy of the West,
any more than we needed to cure Nazis of their envy of the Jews or
Communists of their envy of the bourgeois. We only need to figure out
-- as we did with Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union -- how to defeat
them. What such a strategy of victory over Moslem Terrorism requires
is a sequential war.

This is a war fought in a particular sequence of stages, securing
success in one before proceeding to the next. Victory in the War on
Moslem Terrorism will require sequential success in four stages:
Stage One: Afghanistan. Success here means the Taliban out of power
and OBL (Osama Bin Laden) dead. In the aftermath, it is not our job to
nation-rebuild Afghanistan, which must be understood is a country that
cannot be governed and cannot be ruled. Indeed, it is not clear why
there should be an Afghanistan at all, given that it is a 19th century
artifact as a buffer between the Russian and British Empires. Perhaps
the best solution would be to let the place break apart, with the
Tajik area going to Tajikistan, the Uzbek area going to Uzbekistan,
and south of the Hindu Kush the de-Talibanized Pushtuns getting their
area of regional autonomy within an expanded Pakistan. In exchange,
Pakistan would have to achieve a genuine peace with India over
Kashmir, shut down the Jihadist medressahs (schools of Islamic
fanaticism), and destroy the poppy fields of southern Afghanistan
which supply 60% of the world’s heroin.

Stage Two: Iraq. Success here means Saddam Hussein dead. The world
will not be safe until he is. No massive ground troop invasion is
necessary, just 5,000-pound bunker busters dropped on his presidential
palaces or sleeping quarters (identified with Mossad or INC ­ Iraq
National Congress resistance ­ intel) until we get him or his own
people who can’t take it any more do.

Again, we shouldn’t try in the aftermath to pick up the pieces. Iraq
is a make-believe country, an artificial construct of the British
composed of three former provinces of the Ottoman Empire after WWI.
Mosul in the north, with its Kirkuk oilfields, should be given to
Turkey, on the condition that Ankara grant regional autonomy to the
Kurds and the Kurds make peace with Ankara. Basra in the south, with
its Shi’ite Arab (non-Sunni, non-Persian) population should be
independent. Baghdad in the middle can sink or swim ­ reinvent itself
as a peaceful Islamic trading center plugged into the global economy,
or become another abandoned ruin like Babylon or Nineveh.

Stage Three: Iran. Success here means the replacement of the current
mullah regime with a new pro-West government. This will not be easy
nor quick.

The mullahs know they are hated, particularly by the young (over 50%
of Iran’s ±60 million are under 25); their regime is fragile and ripe
for destabilization. Yet Iran or Persia is a real country, having been
in existence for 2,500 years; it is not going to fall apart. The
solution here is not military, as in the previous two stages. It lies
in a stick/carrot combination of covert activity accelerating public
anti-mullah protests and other forms of regime destabilization, with
diplomatic persuasion for the mullahs to cease their support of
Hizbollah and other terrorist movements, and let go of their
stranglehold on democratic elections. Iranian voters have shown their
clear preference for pro-freedom anti-mullah candidates. If an actual
democracy can be established in Iran, free of mullah control, it would
be a lynchpin shifting the entire dynamics of the Moslem world away
from Jihadist radicalism, and towards a rapprochement with the West.
As a consequence, Iran would flourish, with all the Caspian
land-locked oil having sea access via its pipelines. A flourishing
Democratic Iran sets the stage for:

Stage Four: Saudi Arabia. Here we come to the crux of the matter. An
interwoven nest of pestilential problems ­ lack of peace between
Israel and its neighbors, Arab countries as fascist poverty pits,
Moslem terrorism ­ has been built through desperate and ceaseless
efforts to continue the corrupt rule of the Saudi Royal Family. We
advocate democracy everywhere from Serbia to Burma, yet never for the
Arabs ­ for talk of Arab Democracy leads to the great unmentionable,
Saudi Democracy. As long as the world insists on remaining hostage to
Saudi oil, these problems will not end.

Thus success here means securing other major supplies of oil while
launching a full effort to democratize the Arab world, converting
thereby Saudi Arabia into a democratically free Constitutional
Monarchy. A world-wide strategy for independence from Saudi oil would
include: (1) A free Iran as an outlet for Caspian oil as per Stage
Three; (2) The stabilization of Nigeria, with President Olesegun
Obasanjo assisted in truly ending rapacious corruption, instituting
the rule of law, providing regional autonomy, and shutting down
anti-Christian Islamic fanaticism; (3) The termination of
Castro-wannabe Hugo Chavez’s rule in Venezuela (the US imports more
oil from Venezuela than from Saudi and Chavez is destroying both its
economy and political institutions); (4) A joint military task force
from the armies of Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Peru formed with US
cooperation to militarily eradicate the FARC and other narco-marxist
guerrillas from Colombia (this would secure 1 million barrels per
day); (5) The drilling of ANWR in Alaska, and a crash program to
develop methods to safely and efficiently extract the two trillion
barrels of oil presently locked into tarsand deposits in the US and
Canada (my company, Energeia, Inc., is working on just such a

The ultimate goal of Osama Bin Laden is to become the Ayatollah
Khomeini of Saudi Arabia. Should he try to escape from Afghanistan
ahead of his American pursuers, it would not be to Sudan or Somalia,
but to Saudi Arabia where he expects to be welcomed as the next Mahdi
by his myriad of followers and financial supporters. OBL hates America
for supporting what he hates even more, the corrupt Saudi Royals
polluting his sacred land ­ exactly as Khomeini hated America for
supporting the Shah. He will, of course, be hunted down and shot well
before he gets the chance to become the Saudi Ayatollah.

The Moslem world is nonetheless at a fork in the road determining its
future. Down one way OBL is beckoning Islam to remain in its medieval
Dark Ages, rejecting and fighting the civilized world. Down the other
lies the promise of Democratic Islam with political freedom and women
treated as human beings, with economic freedom allowing people to
prosper instead of enviously desiring to destroy. Waging a Sequential
War on Moslem Terrorism is the only way to ensure first path is a dead
end, and that taking the second path is the Moslem world’s solitary

(c) 2001 Dr. Jack Wheeler and the Freedom Research Foundation.

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