A Framework for Deception
Draft Report

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A Model for Computer Deception

In looking at computer deceptions it is fundamental to understand that the computer is an automaton. Anthropomorphising it into an intelligent being is a mistake in this context - a self-deception. Fundamentally, deceptions must cause systems to do things differently based on their lack of ability to differentiate deception from a non-deception. Computers cannot really yet be called 'aware' in the sense of people. Therefore, when we use a deception against a computer we are really using a deception against the skills of the human(s) that design, program, and use the computer.

In many ways computers could be better at detecting deceptions than people because of their tremendous logical analysis capability and the fact that the logical processes used by computers are normally quite different than the processes used by people. This provides some level of redundancy and, in general, redundancy is a way to defeat corruption. Fortunately for those of us looking to do defensive deception against automated systems, most of the designers of modern attack technology have a tendency to minimize their programming effort and thus tend not to include a lot of redundancy in their analysis.

People use shortcuts in their programs just as they use shortcuts their thinking. Their goal is to get to an answer quickly and in many cases without adequate information to make definitive selections. Computer power and memory are limited just like human brain power and memory are limited. In order to make efficient use of resources, people write programs that jump to premature conclusions and fail to completely verify content. In addition, people who observe computer output have a tendency to believe it. Therefore, if we can deceive the automation used by people to make decisions, we may often be able to deceive the users and avoid in-depth analysis.

Our model for computer deception starts with Cohen's "Structure of Intrusion and Intrusion Detection". [3] In this model, a computer system and its vulnerabilities are described in terms of intrusions at the hardware, device driver, protocol, operating system, library and support function, application, recursive language, and meaning vs. content levels. The levels are all able to interact, but they usually interact hierarchically with each level interacting with the ones just above and below it. This model is depicted in the following graphic:

Model of computer cognition with deceptions

This model is based on the notion that at every level of the computer's cognitive hierarchy signals can either be induced or inhibited. The normal process is shown in black, while inhibitions are shown as grey'ed out signals, and induced signals are shown in red. All of these effect memory states and processor activities at other, typically adjacent, levels of the cognitive system. Deception detection and response capabilities are key issues in the ability to defend against deceptions so there is a concentration on the limits of detection in the following discussions.

Hardware Level Deceptions

If the hardware of a system or network is altered, it may behave arbitrarily differently than expected. While there is a great deal of history of tamper-detection mechanisms for physical systems, no such mechanism is or likely ever will be perfect. The use of intrusion detection systems for detecting improper modifications to hardware today consist primarily of built-in self-test mechanisms such as the power on self test (POST) routine in a typical personal computer (PC). These mechanisms are designed to detect specific sorts of random stochastic fault types and are not designed to detect malicious alterations. Thus deception of these mechanisms is fairly easy to do without otherwise altering their value in detecting fault types they already detect.

Clearly, if the hardware is altered by a serious intruder, this sort of test will not be revealing. Motion sensors, physical seals of different sorts, and even devices that examine the physical characteristics of other devices are all examples of intrusion detection techniques that may work at this level. In software, we may detect alterations in external behavior due to hardware modification, but this is only effective in large scale alterations such as the implanting of additional infrastructure. This is also likely to be ignored in most modern systems because intervening infrastructure is rarely known or characterized as part of intrusion detection and operating environments are intentionally designed to abstract details of the hardware.

Intrusions can also be the result of the interaction of hardware of different sorts rather than the specific use of a particular type of hardware. This type of intrusion mechanism appears to be well beyond the capability of current technology to detect or analyze. Deceptions exploiting these interactions will therefore likely go undetected for extended period of time. Hardware-level deceptions designed to induce desired observables are relatively easy to create and hard to detect. Induction of signals requires only knowledge of protocol and proper design of devices.

The problem with using hardware level deception for defense against serious threat types is that it requires physical access to the target system or logical access with capabilities to alter hardware level functions (e.g., microcode access). This tends to be difficult to attain against intelligence targets, if attempted against insiders it introduces deceptions that could be used against the defenders, and in the case of overrun, it does not seem feasible. That is not to say that we cannot use deceptions that operate at the hardware level against systems, but rather that affecting their hardware level is likely to be infeasible.

Driver Level Deceptions

Drivers are typically ignored by intrusion detection and other security systems. They are rarely inspected, in modern operating systems they can often be installed from or by applications, and they usually have unlimited hardware access. This makes them prime candidates for exploitations of all sorts, including deceptions.

A typical driver level deception would cause the driver to process items of interest without passing information to other parts of the operating environment or to exfiltrate information without allowing the system to notice that this activity was happening. It would be easy for the driver to cause widespread corruption of arbitrary other elements of the system as well as inhibiting the system from seeing undesired content.

From a standpoint of defensive deceptions, drivers are very good target candidates. A typical scenario is to require that a particular driver be installed in order to gain access to defended sites. This is commonly done with applications like RealAudio. Once the target loads the required driver, hardware level access is granted and arbitrary exploits can be launched. This technique is offensive in nature and may violate rules of engagement in a military setting or induce civil or criminal liability in a civilian setting. Its use for defensive purposes may be overly aggressive.

Protocol Level Deceptions

Many protocol intrusions have been demonstrated, ranging from exploitations of flaws in the IP protocol suite to flaws in cryptographic protocols. Except for a small list of known flaws that are part of active exploitations, most current intrusion detection systems do not detect such vulnerabilities. In order to fully cover such attacks, it would likely be necessary for such a system to examine and model the entire network state and effects of all packets and be able to differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable packets.

Although this might be feasible in some circumstances, the more common approach is to differentiate between protocols that are allowed and those that are not. Increasing granularity can be used to differentiate based on location, time, protocol type, packet size and makeup, and other protocol-level information. This can be done today at the level of single packets, or in some circumstances, limited sequences of packets, but it is not feasible for the combinations of packets that come from different sources and might interact within the end systems. Large scale effects can sometimes be detected, such as aggregate bandwidth utilization, but without a good model of what is supposed to happen, there will always be malicious protocol sequences that go undetected. There are also interactions between hardware and protocols. For example, there may be an exploitation of a particular hardware device which is susceptible to a particular protocol state transition, resulting in a subtle alteration to normal timing behaviors. This might then be used to exfiltrate information based on any number of factors, including very subtle covert channels.

Defensive protocol level deceptions have proven relatively easy to develop and hard to defeat. Deception ToolKit [6] and D-WALL [7] both use protocol level deceptions to great effect and these are relatively simplistic mechanisms compared to what could be devised with substantial time and effort. This appears to be a ripe area for further work. Most intelligence gathering today starts at the protocol level, overrun situations almost universally result in communication with other systems at the protocol level, and insiders generally access other systems in the environment through the protocol level.

Operating System Level Deceptions

At the operating system (OS) level, there are a very large number of intrusions possible, and not all of them come from packets that come over networks. Users can circumvent operating system protection in a wide variety of ways. For a successful intrusion detection system to work, it has to detect this before the attacker gains the access necessary to disable the intrusion detection mechanisms (the sensors, fusion, analysis, or response elements or the links between them can be defeated to avoid successful detection). In the late 1980s a lot of work was done in the limitations of the ability of systems to protect themselves and integrity-based self defense mechanisms were implemented that could do a reasonable job of detecting alterations to operating systems. [51] These systems are not capable of defeating attacks that invade the operating system without altering files and reenter the operating system from another level after the system is functioning. Process-based intrusion detection has also been implemented with limited success. Thus we see that operating system level deceptions are commonplace and difficult to defend against.

Any host-based IDS and the analytical part of any network-based IDS involves some sort of operating environment that may be defeatable. But even if defeat is not directly attainable, denial of services against the components of the IDS can defeat many IDS mechanisms, replay attacks may defeat keep-alive protocols used to counter these denial of service attacks, selective denial of service against only desired detections are often possible, and the list goes on and on. If the operating systems are not secure, the IDS has to win a battle of time in order to be effective at detecting things it is designed to detect. Thus we see that the induction or suppression of signals into the IDS can be used to enhance or cover operating system level deceptions that might otherwise be detected.

Operating systems can have complex interactions with other operating systems in the environment as well as between the different programs operating within the OS environment. For example, variations in the timing of two processes might cause race conditions that are extremely rare but which can be induced through timing of otherwise valid external factors. Heavy usage periods may increase the likelihood of such subtle interactions, and thus the same methods that would not work under test conditions may be inducible in live systems during periods of high load. An IDS would have to detect this condition and, of course, because of the high load the IDS would be contributing to the load as well as susceptible to the effects of the attack. A specific example is the loading of a system to the point where there are no available file handles in the system tables. At this point, the IDS may not be able to open the necessary communications channels to detect, record, analyze, or respond to an intrusion.

Operating systems may also have complex interactions with protocols and hardware conditions, and these interactions are extremely complex to analyze. To date, nobody has produced an analysis of such interactions as far as we are aware. Thus deceptions based on mixed levels including the OS are likely to be undetected as deceptions.

Of course an IDS cannot detect all of the possible OS attacks. There are systems which can detect known attacks, detect anomalous behavior by select programs, and so forth, but again, a follow-up investigation is required in order for these methods to be effective, and a potentially infinite number of attacks exist that do not trip anomaly detection methods. If the environment can be characterized closely enough, it may be feasible to detect the vast majority of these attacks, but even if you could do this perfectly, there is then the library and support function level intrusion that must be addressed.

Operating systems are the most common point of attack against systems today largely because they afford a tremendous amount of cover and capability. They provide cover because of their enormous complexity and capability. They have unlimited access within the system and the ability to control the hardware so as to yield arbitrary external effects and observables. They try to control access to themselves, and thus higher level programs do not have the opportunity to measure them for the presence of deceptions. They also seek to protect themselves from the outside world so that external assessment is blocked. While they are not perfect at either of these types of protection, they are effective against the rest of the cognitive system they support. As a location for deception, they are thus prime candidates.

To use defensive deception at the target's operating system level requires offensive actions on the part of the deceiver and yields only indirect control over the target's cognitive capability. This has to then be exploited in order to affect deceptions at other levels and this exploitation may be very complex depending on the specific objective of the deception.

Library and Support Function Level Intrusions

Libraries and support functions are often embedded within a system and are largely hidden from the programmer so that their role is not as apparent as either operating system calls or application level programs. A good example of this is in languages like C wherein the language has embedded sets of functions that are provided to automate many of the functions that would otherwise have to be written by programmers. For example the C strings library includes a wide range of widely used functions. Unfortunately, the implementations of these functions are not standardized and often contain errors that become embedded in every program in the environment that uses them. Library-level intrusion detection has not been demonstrated at this time other than by the change detection methodology supported by the integrity-based systems of the late 1980s and behavioral detection at the operating system level. Most of the IDS mechanisms themselves depend on libraries.

An excellent recent example is the use of leading zeros in numerical values in some Unix systems. On one system call, the string -08 produces an error, while in another it is translated into the integer -8. This was traced to a library function that is very widely used. It was tested on a wide range of systems with different results on different versions of libraries in different operating environments. These libraries are so deeply embedded in operating environments and so transparent to most programmers that minor changes may have disastrous effects on system integrity and produce enormous opportunities for exploitation. Libraries are almost universally delivered in loadable form only so that source codes are only available through considerable effort. Trojan horses, simple errors, or system-to-system differences in libraries can make even the most well written and secure applications an opportunity for exploitation. This includes system applications, commonly considered part of the operating system, service applications such as web servers, accounting systems, and databases, and user level applications including custom programs and host-based intrusion detection systems.

The high level of interaction of libraries is a symptom of the general intrusion detection problem. Libraries sometimes interact directly with hardware, such as the libraries that are commonly used in special device functions like writing CD-rewritable disks. In many modern operating systems, libraries can be loaded as parts of device drivers that become embedded in the operating system itself at the hardware control level. A hardware device with a subtle interaction with a library function can be exploited in an intrusion, and the notion that any modern IDS would be able to detect this is highly suspect. While some IDS systems might detect some of the effects of this sort of attack, the underlying loss of trust in the operating environments resulting from such an embedded corruption is plainly outside of the structure of intrusion detection used today.

Using library functions for defensive deceptions offers great opportunity but, like operating systems, there are limits to the effectiveness of libraries because they are at a level below that used by higher level cognitive functions and thus there is great complexity in producing just the right effects without providing obvious evidence that something is not right.

Application Level Deceptions

Applications provide many new opportunities for deceptions. The apparent user interface languages offer syntax and semantics that may be exploited while the actual user interface languages may differ from the apparent languages because of programming errors, back doors, and unanticipated interactions. Internal semantics may be in error, may fail to take all possible situations into account, or there may be interactions with other programs in the environment or with state information held by the operating environment. They always trust the data they receive so that false content is easily generated and efficient. These include most intelligence tools, exploits, and other tools and techniques used by severe threats. Known attack detection tools and anomaly detection have been applied at the application level with limited success. Network detection mechanisms also tend to operate at the application level for select known application vulnerabilities.

As in every other level, there may be interactions across levels. The interaction of an application program with a library may allow a remote user to generate a complex set of interactions causing unexpected values to appear in inter-program calls, within programs, or within the operating system itself. It is most common for programmers to assume that system calls and library calls will not produce errors, and most programming environments are poor at handling all possible errors. If the programmer misses a single exception - even one that is not documented because it results from an undiscovered error in an interaction that was not anticipated - the application program may halt unexpectedly, produce incorrect results, pass incorrect information to another application, or enter an inconsistent internal state. This may be under the control of a remote attacker who has analyzed or planned such an interaction. Modern intrusion detection systems are not prepared to detect this sort of interaction.

Application level defensive deceptions are very likely to be a major area of interest because applications tend to be driven more by time to market than by surety and because applications tend to directly influence the decision processes made by attackers. For example, a defensive deception would typically cause a network scanner to make wrong decisions and report wrong results to the intelligence operative using it. Similarly, an application level deception might be used to cause a system that is overrun to act on the wrong data. For systems administrators the problem is somewhat more complex and it is less likely that application-level deceptions will work against them.

Recursive Languages in the Operating Environment

In many cases, application programs encode Turing Machine capable embedded languages, such as a language interpreter. Examples include Java, Basic, Lisp, APL, and Word Macros. If these languages can interpret user-level programs, there is an unlimited possible set of embedded languages that can be devised by the user or anybody the user trusts. Clearly an intrusion detection system cannot anticipate all possible errors and interactions in this recursive set of languages. This is an undecidable problem that no IDS will ever likely be able to address. Current IDS systems only address this to the extent that anomaly detection may detect changes in the behavior of the underlying application, but this is unlikely to be effective.

These recursive languages have the potential to create subtle interactions with all other levels of the environment. For example, such a language could consume excessive resources, use a graphical interface to make it appear as if it were no longer operating while actually interpreting all user input and mediating all user output, test out a wide range of known language and library interactions until it found an exploitable error, and on and on. The possibilities are literally endless. All attempts to use language constructs to defeat such attacks have failed to date, and even if they were to succeed to a limited extent, any success in this area would not be due to intrusion detection capabilities.

It seems that no intrusion detection system will ever have a serious hope of detecting errors induced at these recursive language levels as long as we continue to have user-defined languages that we trust to make decisions affecting substantial value. Unless the IDS is able to 'understand' the semantics of every level of the implementation and make determinations that differentiate desirable intent from malicious intent, the IDS cannot hope to mediate decisions that have implications on resulting values. This is clearly impossible,

Recursive languages are used in many applications including many intelligence and systems administration applications. In cases where this can be defined or understood or cases where the recursive language itself acts as the application, deceptions against these recursive languages should work in much the same manner as deceptions against the applications themselves.

The Meaning of the Content versus Realities

Content is generally associated with meaning in any meaningful application. The correspondence between content and realities of the world cannot reasonably be tracked by an intrusion detection system, is rarely tracked by applications, and cannot practically be tracked by other levels of the system structure because it is highly dependent on the semantics of the application that interprets it. Deceptions often involve generating human misperceptions or causing people to do the wrong thing based on what they see at the user interface. In the end, if this wrong thing corresponds to a making a different decision than is supposed to be made, but still a decision that is a feasible and reasonable one in a slightly different context, only somebody capable of making the judgment independently has any hope of detecting the error.

Only certain sorts of input redundancy are known to be capable of detecting this sort of intrusion and this becomes cost prohibitive in any large-scale operation. This sort of detection is used in some high surety critical applications, but not in most intelligence applications, most overrun situations, or by most systems administrators. The programmers of these systems call this "defensive programming" or some such thing and tend to fight against its use.

Attackers commonly use what they call 'social engineering' (a.k.a., perception management) to cause the human operator to do the wrong thing. Of course such behavioral changes can ripple through the system as well, ranging from entering wrong data to changing application level parameters to providing system passwords to loading new software updates from a web site to changing a hardware setting. All of the other levels are potentially affected by this sort of interaction.

Ultimately, deception in information systems intended to affect other systems or people will cause results at this level and thus all deceptions of this sort are well served to consider this level in their assessments.


Unlike people, computers don't typically have ego, but they do have built-in expectations and in some cases automatically seek to attain 'goals'. If those expectations and goals can be met or encouraged while carrying out the deception, the computers will fall prey just as people do.

In order to be very successful at defeating computers through deception, there are three basic approaches. One approach is to create as high a fidelity deception as you can and hope that the computer will be fooled. Another is to understand what data the computer is collecting and how it analyzes the data provided to it. The third it to alter the function of the computer to comply with your needs. The high fidelity approach can be quite expensive but should not be abandoned out of hand. At the same time, the approach of understanding enemy tools can never be done definitively without a tremendous intelligence capability. The modification of cognition approach requires an offensive capability that is not always available and is quite often illegal, but all three avenues appear to be worth pursuing.

The intelligence requirements of defeating specific tools may be severe, but the extremely low cost of such defenses makes them appealing. Against off-the-Internet attack tools, these defenses are commonly effective and, at a minimum, increase the cost of attack far more than they affect the cost of defense. Unfortunately, for more severe threats, such as insiders, overrun situations, and intelligence organizations, these defenses are often inadequate. They are almost certain to be detected and avoided by an attacker with skills and access of this sort. Nevertheless, from a standpoint of defeating the automation used by these types of attackers, relatively low-level deceptions have proven effective. In the case of modifying target systems, the problems become more severe in the case of more severe threats. Insiders are using your systems, so modifying them to allow for deception allows for self-deception and enemy deception of you. For overrun conditions you rarely have access to the target system, so unless you can do very rapid and automated modification, this tactic will likely fail. For intelligence operations this requires that you defeat an intelligence organization one of whose tasks is to deceive you. The implications are unpleasant and inadequate study has been made in this area to make definitive decisions.

There is a general method of deception against computer systems being used to launch fully automated attacks against other computer systems. The general method is to analyze the attacking system (the target) in terms of its use of responses from the defender and create sequences of responses that emulate the desired responses to the target. Because all such mechanisms published or widely used today are quite finite and relatively simplistic, with substantial knowledge of the attack mechanism, it is relatively easy to create a low-quality deception that will be effective. It is noteworthy, for example, that the Deception ToolKit[6], which was made publicly available in source form in 1998, is still almost completely effective against automated intelligence tools attempting to detect vulnerabilities. It seems that the widely used attack tools are not yet being designed to detect and counter deception.

That is not to say that red teams and intelligence agencies are not beginning to start to look at this issue. For example, in private conversations with defenders against select elite red teams the question often comes up of how to defeat the attackers when they undergo a substantial intelligence effort directed at defeating their attempts at deceptive defense. The answer is to increase the fidelity of the deception. This has associated costs, but as the attack tools designed to counter deception improve, so will the requirement for higher fidelity in deceptions.

Deception Mechanisms for Information Systems

This content is extracted from a previous paper on attack mechanisms [48] and is intended to summarize the attack mechanisms that are viable deception techniques against information systems - in the sense that they induce or inhibit cognition at some level. All of the attack techniques in the original paper may be used as parts of overall deception processes, but only these are specifically useful as deception methods and specifically oriented toward information technology as opposed to the people that use and control these systems. We have explicitly excluded mechanisms used for observation only and included examples of how these techniques affect cognition and thus assist in deception and added information about deception levels in the target system.
Mechanism Levels
Cable cuts HW
Fire HW
Flood HW
Earth movement HW
Environmental control loss HW
System maintenance All
Trojan horses All
Fictitious people All
Resource availability manipulation HW, OS
Spoofing and masquerading All
Infrastructure interference HW
Insertion in transit All
Modification in transit All
Sympathetic vibration All
Cascade failures All
Invalid values on calls OS and up
Undocumented or unknown function exploitation All
Excess privilege exploitation App, Driver
Environment corruption All
Device access exploitation HW, Driver
Modeling mismatches App and up
Simultaneous access exploitations All
Implied trust exploitation All
Interrupt sequence mishandling Driver, OS
Emergency procedure exploitation All
Desychronization and time-based attacks All
Imperfect daemon exploits Lib, App
Multiple error inducement All
Viruses All
Data diddling OS and up
Electronic interference HW
Repair-replace-remove information All
Wire closet attacks HW
Process bypassing All
Content-based attacks Lib and up
Restoration process corruption or misuse Lib and up
Hangup hooking HW, Lib, Driver, OS
Call forwarding fakery HW
Input overflow All
Illegal value insertion All
Privileged program misuse App, OS, Driver
Error-induced misoperation All
Audit suppression All
Induced stress failures All
False updates All
Network service and protocol attacks HW, Driver, Proto
Distributed coordinated attacks All
Man-in-the-middle HW, Proto
Replay attacks Proto, App, and up
Error insertion and analysis All
Reflexive control All
Dependency analysis and exploitation All
Interprocess communication attacksOS, Lib, Proto, App
Below-threshold attacks All
Peer relationship exploitation Proto, App, and up
Piggybacking All
Collaborative misuse All
Race conditions All
Kiting App and up
Salami attacks App and up
Repudiation App and up

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