A Framework for Deception
Draft Report

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A Short History of Deception

Deception in Nature

While Sun Tzu is the first known publication depicting deception in warfare as an art, long before Sun Tzu there were tribal rituals of war that were intended in much the same way. The beating of chests [44] is a classic example that we still see today, although in a slightly different form. Many animals display their apparent fitness to others as part of the mating ritual of for territorial assertions. [35] Mitchell and Thompson [35] look at human and nonhuman deception and provide interesting perspectives from many astute authors on many aspects of this subject. We see much the same behavior in today's international politics. Who could forget Kruschev banging his shoe on the table at the UN and declaring "We will bury you!" Of course it's not only the losers that 'beat their chests', but it is a more stark example if presented that way. Every nation declares its greatness, both to its own people and to the world at large. We may call it pride, but at some point it becomes bragging, and in conflict situations, it becomes a display. Like the ancient tribesmen, the goal is, in some sense, to avoid a fight. The hope is that, by making the competitor think that it is not worth taking us on, we will not have to waste our energy or our blood in fighting when we could be spending it in other ways. Similar noise-making tactics also work to keep animals from approaching an encampment. The ultimate expression of this is in the area of nuclear deterrence. [45]

Animals also have genetic characteristics that have been categorized as deceptions. For example, certain animals are able to change colors to match the background or, as in the case of certain types of octopi, the ability to mimic other creatures. These are commonly lumped together, but in fact they are very different. The moth that looks like a flower may be able to 'hide' from birds but this is not an intentional act of deception. Survival of the fittest simply resulted in the death of most of the moths that could be detected by birds. The ones that happened to carry a genetic trait that made them look like a particular flower happened to get eaten less frequently. This is not a deception, it is a trait that survives. The same is true of the Orca whale which has colors that act as a dazzlement to break up its shape.

On the other hand, anyone who has seen an octopus change coloring and shape to appear as if it were a rock when a natural enemy comes by and then change again to mimic a food source while lying in wait for a food source could not honestly claim that this was an unconscious effort. This form of concealment (in the case of looking like a rock or foodstuff) or simulation (in the case of looking like an inedible or hostile creature) is highly selective, driven by circumstance, and most certainly driven by a thinking mind of some sort. It is a deception that uses a genetically endowed physical capability in an intentional and creative manner. It is more similar to a person putting on a disguise than it is to a moth's appearance.

Historical Military Deception

The history of deception is a rich one. In addition to the many books on military history that speak to it, it is a basic element of strategy and tactics that has been taught since the time of Sun Tzu. But in many ways, it is like the history of biology before genetics. It consists mainly of a collection of examples loosely categorized into things that appear similar at the surface. Hiding behind a tree is thought to be similar to hiding in a crowd of people, so both are called concealment. On the surface they appear to be the same, but if we look at the mechanisms underlying them, they are quite different.

MOP 116 also points out that the most effective deceptions exploit beliefs of the target of the deception and, in particular, decision points in the enemy commander's operations plan. By altering the enemy commander's perception of the situation at key decision points, deception may turn entire campaigns.

There are many excellent collections of information on deceptions in war. One of the most comprehensive overviews comes from Whaley [11], which includes details of 67 military deception operations between 1914 and 1968. The appendix to Whaley is 628 pages long and the summary charts (in appendix B) are another 50 pages. Another 30 years have passed since this time, which means that it is likely that another 200 pages covering 20 or so deceptions should be added to update this study. Dunnigan and Nofi [8] review the history of deception in warfare with an eye toward categorizing its use. They identify the different modes of deception as concealment, camouflage, false and planted information, ruses, displays, demonstrations, feints, lies, and insight.

Dewar [16] reviews the history of deception in warfare and, in only 12 pages, gives one of the most cogent high-level descriptions of the basis, means, and methods of deception. In these 12 pages, he outlines (1) the weaknesses of the human mind (preconceptions, tendency to think we are right, coping with confusion by leaping to conclusions, information overload and resulting filtering, the tendency to notice exceptions and ignore commonplace things, and the tendency to be lulled by regularity), (2) the object of deception (getting the enemy to do or not do what you wish), (3) means of deception (affecting observables to a level of fidelity appropriate to the need, providing consistency, meeting enemy expectations, and not making it too easy), (4) principles of deception (careful centralized control and coordination, proper preparation and planning, plausibility, the use of multiple sources and modes, timing, and operations security), and (5) techniques of deception (encouraging belief in the most likely when a less likely is to be used, luring the enemy with an ideal opportunity , the repetitive process and its lulling effect, the double bluff which involves revealing the truth when it is expected to be a deception, the piece of bad luck which the enemy believes they are taking advantage of, the substitution of a real item for a detected deception item, and disguising as the enemy). He also (6) categorizes deceptions in terms of senses and (7) relates 'security' (in which you try to keep the enemy from finding anything out) to deception (in which you try to get the enemy to find out the thing you want them to find). Dewar includes pictures and examples in these 12 pages to boot.

In 1987, Knowledge Systems Corporation [26] created a useful set of diagrams for planning tactical deceptions. Among their results, they indicate that the assessment and planning process is manual, lacks automated applications programs, and lacks timely data required for combat support. This situation does not appear to have changed. They propose a planning process consisting of (1) reviewing force objectives, (2) evaluating your own and enemy capabilities and other situational factors, (3) developing a concept of operations and set of actions, (4) allocating resources, (5) coordinating and deconflicting the plan relative to other plans, (6) doing a risk and feasibility assessment, (7) reviewing adherence to force objectives, and (8) finalizing the plan. They detail steps to accomplish each of these tasks in useful process diagrams and provide forms for doing a more systematic analysis of deceptions than was previously available. Such a planning mechanism does not appear to exist today for deception in information operations.

These authors share one thing in common. They all carry out an exercise in building categories. Just as the long standing effort of biology to build up genus and species based on bodily traits (phenotypes), eventually fell to a mechanistic understanding of genetics as the underlying cause, the scientific study of deception will eventually yield a deeper understanding that will make the mechanisms clear and allow us to understand and create deceptions as an engineering discipline. That is not to say that we will necessarily achieve that goal in this short examination of the subject, but rather that in-depth study will ultimately yield such results.

There have been a few attempts in this direction. A RAND study included a 'straw man' graphic [17](H7076) that showed deception as being broken down into "Simulation" and "Dissimulation Camouflage".

The same slide reflects on Dewar's view [16] that security attempts to deny access and counterintelligence attempts while deception seeks to exploit intelligence. Unfortunately, the RAND depiction is not as cogent as Dewar in breaking down the 'subcategories' of simulation. The RAND slides do cover the notions of observables being "known and unknown", "controllable and uncontrollable", and "enemy observable and enemy non-observable". This characterization of part of the space is useful from a mechanistic viewpoint and a decision tree created from these parameters can be of some use. Interestingly, RAND also points out the relationship of selling, acting, magic, psychology, game theory, military operations, probability and statistics, logic, information and communications theories, and intelligence to deception. It indicates issues of observables, cultural bias, knowledge of enemy capabilities, analytical methods, and thought processes. It uses a reasonable model of human behavior, lists some well known deception techniques, and looks at some of the mathematics of perception management and reflexive control.

Cognitive Deception Background

Many authors have examined facets of deception from both an experiencial and cognitive perspective.

Chuck Whitlock has built a large part of his career on identifying and demonstrating these sorts of deceptions. [12] His book includes detailed descriptions and examples of scores of common street deceptions. Fay Faron points out that most such confidence efforts are carried as as specific 'plays' and details the anatomy of a 'con' [30]. She provides 7 ingredients for a con (too good to be true, nothing to lose, out of their element, limited time offer, references, pack mentality, and no consequence to actions). The anatomy of the confidence game is said to involve (1) a motivation (e.g., greed), (2) the come-on (e.g., opportunity to get rich), (3) the shill (e.g., a supposedly independent third party), (4) the swap (e.g., take the victim's money while making them think they have it), (5) the stress (e.g., time pressure), and (6) the block (e.g., a reason the victim will not report the crime). She even includes a 10-step play that makes up the big con.

Bob Fellows [13] takes a detailed approach to how 'magic' and similar techniques exploit human fallibility and cognitive limits to deceive people. According to Bob Fellows [13] (p 14) the following characteristics improve the changes of being fooled: (1) under stress, (2) naivety, (3) in life transitions, (4) unfulfilled desire for spiritual meaning, (5) tend toward dependency, (6) attracted to trance-like states of mind, (7) unassertive, (8) unaware of how groups can manipulate people, (9) gullible, (10) have had a recent traumatic experience, (11) want simple answers to complex questions, (12) unaware of how the mind and body affect each other, (13) idealistic, (14) lack critical thinking skills, (15) disillusioned with the world or their culture, and (16) lack knowledge of deception methods. Fellows also identifies a set of methods used to manipulate people.

Thomas Gilovich [14] provides in-depth analysis of human reasoning fallibility by presenting evidence from psychological studies that demonstrate a number of human reasoning mechanisms resulting in erroneous conclusions. This includes the general notions that people (erroneously) (1) believe that effects should resemble their causes, (2) misperceive random events, (3) misinterpret incomplete or unrepresentative data, (4) form biased evaluations of ambiguous and inconsistent data, (5) have motivational determinants of belief, (6) bias second hand information, and (7) have exaggerated impressions of social support. Substantial further detailing shows specific common syndromes and circumstances associated with them.

Charles K. West [32] describes the steps in psychological and social distortion of information and provides detailed support for cognitive limits leading to deception. Distortion comes from the fact of an unlimited number of problems and events in reality, while human sensation can only sense certain types of events in limited ways: (1) A person can only perceive a limited number of those events at any moment (2) A person's knowledge and emotions partially determine which of the events are noted and interpretations are made in terms of knowledge and emotion (3) Intentional bias occurs as a person consciously selects what will be communicated to others, and (4) the receiver of information provided by others will have the same set of interpretations and sensory limitations.

Al Seckel [15] provides about 100 excellent examples of various optical illusions, many of which work regardless of the knowledge of the observer, and some of which are defeated after the observer sees them only once. Donald D. Hoffman [36] expands this into a detailed examination of visual intelligence and how the brain processes visual information. It is particularly noteworthy that the visual cortex consumes a great deal of the total human brain space and that it has a great deal of effect on cognition. Some of the 'rules' that Hoffman describes with regard to how the visual cortex interprets information include: (1) Always interpret a straight line in an image as a straight line in 3D, (2) If the tips of two lines coincide in an image interpret them as coinciding in 3D, (3) Always interpret co-linear lines in an image as co-linear in 3D, (4) Interpret elements near each other in an image as near each other in 3D, (5) Always interpret a curve that is smooth in an image as smooth in 3D, (6) Where possible, interpret a curve in an image as the rim of a surface in 3D, (7) Where possible, interpret a T-junction in an image as a point where the full rim conceals itself; the cap conceals the stem, (8) Interpret each convex point on a bound as a convex point on a rim, (9) Interpret each concave point on a bound as a concave point on a saddle point, (10) Construct surfaces in 3D that are as smooth as possible, (11) Construct subjective figures that occlude only if there are convex cusps, (12) If two visual structures have a non-accidental relation, group them and assign them to a common origin, (13) If three or more curves intersect at a common point in an image, interpret them as intersecting at a common point in space, (14) Divide shapes into parts along concave creases, (15) Divide shapes into parts at negative minima, along lines of curvature, of the principal curvatures, (16) Divide silhouettes into parts at concave cusps and negative minima of curvature, (17) The salience of a cusp boundary increases with increasing sharpness of the angle at the cusp, (18) The salience of a smooth boundary increases with the magnitude of (normalized) curvature at the boundary, (19) Choose figure and ground so that figure has the more salient part boundaries, (20) Choose figure and ground so that figure has the more salient parts, (21) Interpret gradual changes in hue, saturation, and brightness in an image as changes in illumination, (22) Interpret abrupt changes in hue, saturation, and brightness in an image as changes in surfaces, (23) Construct as few light sources as possible, (24) Put light sources overhead, (25) Filters don't invert lightness, (26) Filters decrease lightness differences, (27) Choose the fair pick that's most stable, (28) Interpret the highest luminance in the visual field as white, flourent, or self-luminous, (29) Create the simplest possible motions, (30) When making motion, construct as few objects as possible, and conserve them as much as possible, (31) Construct motion to be as uniform over space as possible, (32) Construct the smoothest velocity field, (33) If possible, and if other rules permit, interpret image motions as projections of rigid motions in three dimensions, (34) If possible, and if other rules permit, interpret image motions as projections of 3D motions that are rigid and planar, (35) Light sources move slowly.

It appears that the rules of visual intelligence are closely related to the results of other cognitive studies. It may not be a coincidence that the thought processes that occupy the same part of the brain as visual processing have similar susceptibilities to errors and that these follow the pattern of the assumption that small changes in observation point should not change the interpretation of the image. It is surprising when such a change reveals a different interpretation, and the brain appears to be designed to minimize such surprises while acting at great speed in its interpretation mechanisms. For example, rule 2 (If the tips of two lines coincide in an image interpret them as coinciding in 3D) is very nearly always true in the physical world because coincidence of line ends that are not in fact coincident in 3 dimensions requires that you be viewing the situation at precisely the right angle with respect to the two lines. Another way of putting this is that there is a single line in space that connects the two points so as to make them appear to be coincident if they are not in fact conincident. If the observer is not on that single line, the points will not appear coincident. Since people usually have two eyes and they cannot align on the same line in space with respect to anything they can observe, there is no real 3 dimensional situation in which this coincidence can actually occur, it can only be simulated by 3 dimensional objects that are far enough away to appear to be on the same line with respect to both eyes, and there are no commonly occuring natural phenomena that pose anything of immediate visual import or consequence at thast distance. Designing visual stimuli that violate these principles will confuse most human observers and effective visual simulations should take these rules into account.

Deutsch [47] provides a series of demonstrations of interpretation and misinterpretation of audio information. This includes: (1) the creation of words and phrases out of random sounds, (2) the susceptibility of interpretation to predisposition, (3) misinterpretation of sound based on relative pitch of pairs of tones, (4) misinterpretation of direction of sound source based on switching speakers, (5) creation of different words out of random sounds based on rapid changes in source direction, and (6) the change of word creation over time based on repeated identical audio stimulus.

First Karrass [33] then Cialdini [34] have provided excellent summaries of negotiation strategies and the use of influence to gain advantage. Both also explain how to defend against influence tactics. Karrass was one of the early experimenters in how people interact in negotiations and identified (1) credibility of the presenter, (2) message content and appeal, (3) situation setting and rewards, and (4) media choice for messages as critical components of persuasion. He also identifies goals, needs, and perceptions as three dimensions of persuasion and lists scores of tactics categorized into types including (1) timing, (2) inspection, (3) authority, (4) association, (5) amount, (6) brotherhood, and (7) detour. Karrass also provides a list of negotiating techniques including: (1) agendas, (2) questions, (3) statements, (4) concessions, (5) commitments, (6) moves, (7) threats, (8) promises, (9) recess, (10) delays, (11) deadlock, (12) focal points, (13) standards, (14) secrecy measures, (15) nonverbal communications, (16) media choices, (17) listening, (18) caucus, (19) formal and informal memorandum, (20) informal discussions, (21) trial balloons and leaks, (22) hostility releivers, (23) temporary intermediaries, (24) location of negotiation, and (25) technique of time.

Cialdini [34] provides a simple structure for influence and asserts that much of the effect of influence techniques is built-in and occurs below the conscious level for most people. His structure consists of reciprocation, contrast, authority, commitment and consistency, automaticity, social proof, liking, and scarcity. He cites a substantial series of psychological experiments that demonstrate quite clearly how people react to situations without a high level of reasoning and explains how this is both critical to being effective decision makers and results in exploitation through the use of compliance tactics. While Cialdini backs up this information with numerous studies, his work is largely based on and largely cites western culture. Some of these elements are apparently culturally driven and care must be taken to assure that they are used in context.

Robertson and Powers [31] have worked out a more detailed low-level theoretical model of cognition based on "Perceptual Control Theory" (PCT), but extensions to higher levels of cognition have been highly speculative to date. They define a set of levels of cognition in terms of their order in the control system, but beyond the lowest few levels they have inadequate basis for asserting that these are orders of complexity in the classic control theoretical sense. The levels they include are intensity, sensation, configuration, transition / motion, events, relationships, categories, sequences / routines, programs / branching pathways / logic, and system concept.

David Lambert [2] provides an extensive collection of examples of deceptions and deceptive techniques mapped into a cognitive model intended for modeling deception in military situations. These are categorized into cognitive levels in Lambert's cognitive model. The levels include sense, perceive feature, perceive form, associate, define problem / observe, define problem solving status (hypothesize), determine solution options, initiate actions / responses, direct, implement form, implement feature, and drive affectors. There are feedback and cross circuiting mechanisms to allow for reflexes, conditioned behavior, intuition, the driving of perception to higher and lower levels, and models of short and long term memory.

Charles Handy [37] discusses organizational structures and behaviors and the roles of power and influence within organizations. The National Research Council [38] discusses models of human and organizational behavior and how automation has been applied in this area. Handy models organizations in terms of their structure and the effects of power and influence. Influence mechanisms are described in terms of who can apply them in what circumstances. Power is derived from physicality, resources, position (which yields information, access, and right to organize), expertise, personal charisma, and emotion. These result in influence through overt (force, exchange, rules and procedures, and persuasion), covert (ecology and magnetism), and bridging (threat of force) influences. Depending on the organizational structure and the relative positions of the participants, different aspects of power come into play and different techniques can be applied. The NRC report includes scores of examples of modeling techniques and details of simulation implementations based on those models and their applicability to current and future needs. Greene [46] describes the 48 laws of power and, along the way, demonstrates 48 methods that exert compliance forces in an organization. These can be traced to cognitive influences and mapped out using models like Lambert's, Cialdini's, and the one we are considering for this effort.

Closely related to the subject of deception is the work done by the CIA on the MKULTRA project. [52] In June 1977, a set of MKULTRA documents were discovered, which had escaped destruction by the CIA. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence held a hearing on August 3, 1977 to question CIA officials on the newly-discovered documents. The net effect of efforts to reveal information about this project was a set of released information on the use of sonic waves, electroshock, and other similar methods for altering peoples' perception. Included in this are such items as sound frequencies that make people fearful, sleepy, uncomfortable, and sexually aroused; results on hypnosis, truth drugs, psychic powers, and subliminal persuasion; LSD-related and other drug experiments on unwitting subjects; the CIA's "manual on trickery"; and so forth. One 1955 MKULTRA document gives an indication of the size and range of the effort; the memo refers to the study of an assortment of mind-altering substances which would: (1) "promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public", (2) "increase the efficiency of mentation and perception", (3) "prevent or counteract the intoxicating effect of alcohol" (4) "promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol", (5) "produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way so that they may be used for malingering, etc." (6) "render the indication of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness" (7) "enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called 'brainwashing', (8) "produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use", (9) "produce shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use", (10) "produce physical disablement such as paralysis of the legs, acute anemia, etc.", (11) "produce 'pure' euphoria with no subsequent let-down", (12) "alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced", (13) "cause mental confusion of such a type that the individual under its influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication under questioning", (14) "lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men when administered in undetectable amounts", and (15) "promote weakness or distortion of the eyesight or hearing faculties, preferably without permanent effects".

A good summary of some of the pre-1990 results on psychological aspects of self-deception is provided in Heuer's CIA book on the psychology of intelligence analysis. [49] Heuer goes one step further in trying to start assessing ways to counter deception, and concludes that intelligence analysts can make improvements in their presentation and analysis process. Several other papers on deception detection have been written and substantially summarized in Vrij's book on the subject.[50]

Computer Deception Background

In the early 1990s, the use of deception in defense of information systems came to the forefront with a paper about a deception 'Jail' created in 1991 by AT&T researchers in real-time to track an attacker and observe their actions. [39] An approach to using deceptions for defense by customizing every system to defeat automated attacks was published in 1992, [22] while in 1996, descriptions of Internet Lightning Rods were given [21] and an example of the use of perception management to counter perception management in the information infrastructure was given [23]. More thorough coverage of this history was covered in a 1999 paper on the subject. [6] Since that time, deception has increasingly been explored as a key technology area for innovation in information protection. Examples of deception-based information system defenses include concealed services, encryption, feeding false information, hard-to-guess passwords, isolated sub-file-system areas, low building profile, noise injection, path diversity, perception management, rerouting attacks, retaining confidentiality of security status information, spread spectrum, and traps. In addition, it appears that criminals seek certainty in their attacks on computer systems and increased uncertainty caused by deceptions may have a deterrent effect. [40]

The public release of DTK Deception ToolKit led to a series of follow-on studies, technologies, and increasing adoption of technical deceptions for defense of information systems. This includes the creation of a small but growing industry with several commercial deception products, the HoneyNet project, the RIDLR project at Naval Post Graduate School, NSA-sponsored studies at RAND, the D-Wall technology, [66] [7] and a number of studies and developments now underway.

The reader is asked to review the previous citation [6] for more thorough coverage of computer-based defensive deceptions and to get a more complete understanding of the application of deceptions in this arena over the last 50 years.

Another major area of information protection through deception is in the area of steganography. The term steganography comes from the Greek 'steganos' (covered or secret) and 'graphy' (writing or drawing) and thus means, literally, covered writing. As commonly used today, steganography is closer to the art of information hiding, and is ancient form of deception used by everyone from ruling politicians to slaves. It has existed in one form or another for at least 2000 years, and probably a lot longer.

With the increasing use of information technology and increasing fears that information will be exposed to those it is not intended for, steganography has undergone a sort of emergence. Computer programs that automate the processes associated with digital steganography have become widespread in recent years. Steganographic content is now commonly hidden in graphic files, sound files, text files, covert channels, network packets, slack space, spread spectrum signals, and video conferencing systems. Thus steganography has become a major method for concealment in information technology and has broad applications for defense.

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