A Framework for Deception
Draft Report

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The Nature of Deception

Even the definition of deception is illusive. As we saw from the circular dictionary definition presented earlier, there is no end to the discussion of what is and is not deception. This not withstanding, there is an end to this paper, so we will not be making as precise a definition as we might like to. Rather, we will simply assert that:

We will generally limit our study of deceptions to targets consisting of people, animals, computers, and systems comprised of these things and their environments. While it could be argued that all deceptions of interest to warfare focus on gaining compliance of people, we have not adopted this position. Similarly, from a pragmatic viewpoint, we see no current need to try to deceive some other sort of being.

While our study will seek general understanding, our ultimate focus is on deception for information protection and is further focused on information technology and systems that depend on it. At the same time, in order for these deceptions to be effective, we have to, at least potentially, be successful at deception against computers used in attack, people who operate and program those computers, and ultimately, organizations that task those people and computers. Therefore, we must understand deception that targets people and organizations, not just computers.

Limited Resources lead to Controlled Focus of Attention

There appear to be some features of deception that apply to all of the targets of interest. While the detailed mechanisms underlying these features may differ, commonalities are worthy of note. Perhaps the core issue that underlies the potential for success of deception as a whole is that all targets not only have limited overall resources, but they have limited abilities to process the available sensory data they are able to receive. This leads to the notion that, in addition to controlling the set of information available to the targets, deceptions may seek to control the focus of attention of the target.

In this sense, deceptions are designed to emphasize one thing over another. In particular, they are designed to emphasize the things you want the targets to observe over the things you do not want them to observe. While many who have studied deception in the military context have emphasized the desire for total control over enemy observables, this tends to be highly resource consumptive and very difficult to do. Indeed, there is not a single case in our review of military history where such a feat has been accomplished and we doubt whether such a feat will ever be accomplished.

It is generally more desirable from an assurance standpoint to gain control over more target observables, assuming you have the resources to affect this control in a properly coordinated manner, but the reason for this may be a bit surprising. The only reason to control more observables is to increase the likelihood of attention being focused on observables you control. If you could completely control focus of attention, you would only need to control a very small number of observables to have complete effect. In addition, the cost of controlling observables tends to increase non-linearly with increased fidelity. As we try to reach perfection, the costs presumably become infinite. Therefore, there should be some cost benefit analysis undertaken in deception planning and some metrics are required in order to support such analysis.

All Deception is a Composition of Concealments and Simulations

Reflections of world events appear to the target as observables. In order to affect a target, we can only create causes in the world that affect those observables. Thus all deceptions stem from the ability to influence target observables. At some level, all we can do is create world events whose reflection appear to the target as observables or prevent the reflections of world events from being observed by the target. As terminology, we will call induced reflections 'simulations' and inhibition of reflections 'concealments'. In general then, all deceptions are formed from combinations of concealments and simulations.

Put another way, deception consists of determining what we wish the target to observe and not observe and creating simulations to induce desired observations while using concealments to inhibit undesired observations. Using the notion of focus of attention, we can create simulations and concealments by inducing focus on desired observables while drawing focus away from undesired observables. Simulation and concealment are used to affect this focus and the focus then produces more effective simulation and concealment.

Memory and Cognitive Structure Force Uncertainty, Predictability, and Novelty

All targets have limited memory state and are, in some ways, inflexible in their cognitive structure. While space limits memory capabilities of targets, in order to be able to make rapid and effective decisions, targets necessarily trade away some degree of flexibility. As a result, targets have some predictability. The problem at hand is figuring out how to reliably make target behavior (focus of attention, decision processes, and ultimately actions) comply with our desires. To a large extent, the purpose of this study is to find ways to increase the certainty of target compliance by creating improved deceptions.

There are some severe limits to our ability to observe target memory state and cognitive structure. Target memory state and detailed cognitive structure is almost never fully available to us. Even if it were available, we would be unable, at least at the present, to adequately process it to make detailed predictions of behavior because of the complexity of such computations and our own limits of memory and cognitive structure. This means that we are forced to make imperfect models and that we will have uncertain results for the foreseeable future.

While modeling of enough of the cognitive structures and memory state of targets to create effective deceptions may often be feasible, the more common methods used to create deceptions are the use of characteristics that have been determined through psychological studies of human behavior, animal behavior, analytical and experimental work done with computers, and psychological studies done on groups. The studies of groups containing humans and computers are very limited at and those that do exist ignore the emerging complex global network environment. Significant additional effort will be required in order to understand common modes of deception that function in the combined human-computer social environment.

A side effect of memory is the ability of targets to learn from previous deceptions. Effective deceptions must be novel or varied over time in cases where target memory affects the viability of the deception.

Time, Timing, and Sequence are Critical

Several issues related to time come up in deceptions. In the simplest cases, a deception might come to mind just before it is to be performed, but for any complex deception, pre-planning is required, and that pre-planning takes time. In cases where special equipment or other capabilities must be researched and developed, the entire deception process can take months to years.

In order for deception to be effective in many real-time situations, it must be very rapidly deployed. In some cases, this may mean that it can be activated almost instantaneously. In other cases this may mean a time frame of seconds to days or even weeks or months. In strategic deceptions such as those in the Cold War, this may take place over periods of years.

In every case, there is some delay between the invocation of a deception and its effect on the target. At a minimum, we may have to contend with speed of light effects, but in most cases, cognition takes from milliseconds to seconds. In cases with higher momentum, such as organizations or large systems, it may take minutes to hours before deceptions begin to take effect. Some deceptive information is even planted in the hopes that it will be discovered and acted on in months to years.

Eventually, deceptions may be discovered. In most cases a critical item to success in the deception is that the time before discovery be long enough for some other desirable thing to take place. For one-shot deceptions intended to gain momentary compliance, discovery after a few seconds may be adequate, but other deceptions require longer periods over which they must be sustained. Sustaining a deception is generally related to preventing its discovery in that, once discovered, sustainment often has very different requirements.

Finally, nontrivial deceptions involve complex sequences of acts, often involving branches based on feedback attained from the target. In almost all cases, out of the infinite set of possible situations that may arise, some set of critical criteria are developed for the deception and used to control sequencing. This is necessary because of the limits of the ability of deception planning to create sequencers for handling more complex decision processes, because of limits on available observables for feedback, and because of limited resources available for deception.

Observables Limit Deception

In order for a target to be deceived, their observations must be affected. Therefore, we are limited in our ability to deceive based on what they are able to observe. Targets may also have allies with different observables and, in order to be effective, our deceptions must take those observables into account. We are limited both by what can be observed and what cannot be observed. What cannot be observed we cannot use to induce simulation, while what can be observed creates limits on our ability to do concealment.

Our own observables also limit our ability to do deceptions because sequencing of deceptions depends on feedback from the target and because our observables in terms of accurate intelligence information drive our ability to understand the observables of the target and the effect of those observables on the target.

Operational Security is a Requirement

Secrecy of some sort is fundamental to all deception, if only because the target would be less likely to behave in the desired fashion if they knew of the deception (by our definition above). This implies operational security of some sort.

One of the big questions to be addressed in some deceptions is who should be informed of the specific deceptions under way. Telling too many people increases the likelihood of the deception being leaked to the target. Telling too few people may cause the deception to fool your own side into blunders.

Security is expensive and creates great difficulties, particularly in technology implementations. For example, if we create a device that is only effective if its existence is kept secret, we will not be able to apply it very widely, so the number of people that will be able to apply it will be very limited. If we create a device that has a set of operational modes that must be kept secret, the job is a bit easier. As we move toward a device that only needs to have it's current placement and current operating mode kept secret, we reach a situation where widespread distribution and effective use is feasible.

A vital issue in deception is the understanding of what must be kept secret and what may be revealed. If too much is revealed, the deception will not be as effective as it otherwise may have been. If too little is revealed, the deception will be less effective in the larger sense because fewer people will be able to apply it. History shows that device designs and implementations eventually leak out. That is why soundness for a cryptographic system is usually based on the assumption that only the keys are kept secret. The same principle would be well considered for use in many deception technologies.

A further consideration is the deterrent effect of widely published use of deception. The fact that high quality deceptions are in widespread use potentially deters attackers or alters their behavior because they believe that they are unable to differentiate deceptions from non-deceptions or because they believe that this differentiation substantially increases their workload. This was one of the notions behind Deception ToolKit (DTK). [19] The suggestion was even made that if enough people use the DTK deception port, the use of the deception port alone might deter attacks.

Cybernetics and System Resource Limitations

In the systems theory of Norbert Weiner (called Cybernetics) [42] many systems are described in terms of feedback. Feedback and control theory address the notions of systems with expectations and error signals. Our targets tend to take the difference between expected inputs and actual inputs and adjust outputs in an attempt to restore stability. This feedback mechanism both enables and limits deception.

Expectations play a key role in the susceptibility of the target to deception. If the deception presents observables that are very far outside of the normal range of expectations, it is likely to be hard for the target to ignore it. If the deception matches a known pattern, the target is likely to follow the expectations of that pattern unless there is a reason not to. If the goal is to draw attention to the deception, creating more difference is more likely to achieve this, but it will also make the target more likely to examine it more deeply and with more skepticism. If the object is to avoid something being noticed, creating less apparent deviation from expectation is more likely to achieve this.

Targets tend to have different sensitivities to different sorts and magnitudes of variations from expectations. These result from a range of factors including, but not limited to, sensor limitations, focus of attention. cognitive structure, experience, training, reasoning ability, and pre-disposition. Many of these can be measured or influenced in order to trigger or avoid different levels of assessment by the target.

Most systems do not do deep logical thinking about all situations as they arise. Rather, they match known patterns as quickly as possible and only apply the precious deep processing resources to cases where pattern matching fails to reconcile the difference between expectation and interpretation. As a result, it is often easy to deceive a system by avoiding its logical reasoning in favor of pattern matching. Increased rush, stress, uncertainty, indifference, distraction, and fatigue all lead to less thoughtful and more automatic responses in humans. [34] Similarly, we can increase human reasoning by reduced rush, stress, certainty, caring, attention, and alertness.

Similar mechanisms exist in computers where, for example, we can suppress high level cognitive functions by causing driver-level response to incoming information or force high level attention and thus overwhelm reasoning by inducing conditions that lead to increased processing regimens.

The Recursive Nature of Deception

The interaction we have with targets in a deception is recursive in nature. To get a sense of this, consider that while we present observables to a target, the target is presenting observables to us. We can only judge the effect of our deception based on the observables we are presented with and our prior expectations influence how we interpret these observables. The target may also be trying to deceive us, in which case, they are presenting us with the observables they think we expect to see, but at the same time, we may be deceiving them by presenting the observables we expect them to expect us to present. This goes back and forth potentially without end. It is covered by the well known story:

To handle recursion, it is generally accepted that you must first characterize what happens at a single level, including the links to recursion, but without delving into the next level those links lead to. Once your model of one level is completed, you then apply recursion without altering the single level model. We anticipate that by following this methodology we will gain efficiency and avoid mistakes in understanding deceptions. At some level, for any real system, the recursion must end for there is ground truth. The question of where it ends deals with issues of confidence in measured observables and we will largely ignore this issues throughout the remainder of this paper.

Large Systems are Affected by Small Changes

In many cases, a large system can be greatly affected by small changes. In the case of deception, it is normally easier to make small changes without the deception being discovered than to directly make the large changes that are desired. The indirect approach then tells us that we should try to make changes that cause the right effects and go about it in an unexpected and indirect manner.

As an example of this, in a complex system with many people, not all participants have to be affected in order to cause the system to behave differently than it might otherwise. One method for influencing an organizational decision is to categorize the members into four categories: zealots in favor, zealots opposed, neutral parties, and willing participants. The object of this influence tactic in this case is to get the right set of people into the right categories.

This notion of finding the right small changes and backtracking to methods to influence them seems to be a general principle of organizational deception, but there has only been limited work on characterizing these effects at the organizational level.

Even Simple Deceptions are Often Quite Complex

In real attacks, things are not so simple as to involve only a single deception element against a nearly stateless system. Even relatively simple deceptions may work because of complex processes in the targets.

The complete analysis of this exchange is left as an exercise to the reader.. good luck. To quote the immortal Bard:

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive"

Simple Deceptions are Combined to Form Complex Deceptions

Large deceptions are commonly built up from smaller ones. For example, the commonly used 'big con' plan [30] goes something like this: find a victim, gain the victim's confidence, show the victim the money, tell the tale, deliver a sample return on investment, calculate the benefits, send the victim for more money, take them for all they have, kiss off the victim, keep the victim quiet. Of these, only the first does not require deceptions. What is particularly interesting about this very common deception sequence is that it is so complex and yet works so reliably. Those who have perfected its use have ways out at every stage to limit damage if needed and they have a wide number of variations for keeping the target (called victim here) engaged in the activity.

Knowledge of the Target

The intelligence requirements for deception are particularly complex to understand because, presumably, the target has the potential for using deception to fool the attacker's intelligence efforts. In addition, seemingly minor items may have a large impact on our ability to understand and predict the behavior of a target. As was pointed out earlier, intelligence is key to success in deception. But doing a successful deception requires more than just intelligence on the target. To get to high levels of surety against capable targets, it is also important to anticipate and constrain their behavioral patterns.

In the case of computer hardware and software, in theory, we can predict precise behavior by having detailed design knowledge. Complexity may be driven up by the use of large and complicated mechanisms (e.g., try to figure out why and when Microsoft Windows will next crash) and it may be very hard to get details of specific mechanisms (e.g., what specific virus will show up next). While generic deceptions (e.g., false targets for viruses) may be effective at detecting a large class of attacks, there is always an attack that will, either by design or by accident, go unnoticed (e.g., not infect the false targets). The goal of deceptions in the presence of imperfect knowledge (i.e., all real-world deceptions) is to increase the odds. The question of what techniques increase or decrease odds in any particular situation drives us toward deceptions that tend to drive up the computational complexity of differentiation between deception and non-deception for large classes of situations. This is intended to exploit the limits of available computational power by the target. The same notions can be applied to human deception. We never have perfect knowledge of a human target, but in various aspects, we can count on certain limitations. For example, overloading a human target with information will tend to make concealment more effective.

Knowledge for Concealment

The specific knowledge required for effective concealment is details of detection and action thresholds for different parts of systems. For example, knowing the voltage used for changing a 0 to a 1 in a digital system leads to knowing how much additional signal can be added to a wire while still not being detected. Knowing the electromagnetic profile of target sensors leads to better understanding of the requirements for effective concealment from those sensors. Knowing how the target's doctrine dictates responses to the appearance of information on a command and control system leads to understanding how much of a profile can be presented before the next level of command will be notified. Concealment at any given level is attained by remaining below these thresholds.

Knowledge for Simulation

The specific knowledge required for effective simulation is a combination of thresholds of detection, capacity for response, and predictability of response. Clearly, simulation will not work if it is not detected and therefore detection thresholds must be surpassed. Response capacity and response predictability are typically for more complex issues.

Response capacity has to do with quantity of available resources and ability to use them effectively. For computers, we know pretty well the limits of computational and storage capacity as well as what sorts of computations can be done in how much time. While clever programmers do produce astonishing results, for those with adequate understanding of the nature of computation, these results lead clearly toward the nature of the breakthrough. We constantly face deceptions, perhaps self-deceptions, in the proposals we see for artificial intelligence in computer systems and can counter it based on the understanding of resource consumption issues. Similarly, humans have limited capacity for handling situations and we can predict these limits at some level generically and in specific through experiments on individuals. Practice may allow us to build certain capacities to an artificially high level. The use of automation to augment capacities is one of the hallmarks of human society today, but even with augmentation, there are always limits.

Response predictability may be greatly facilitated by the notions of cybernetic stability. As long as we don't exceed the capacity of the system to handle change, systems designed for stability will have predictable tendencies toward returning to equilibrium. One of the great advantages of term limits on politicians, particularly at the highest levels, is that each new leader has to be recalibrated by those wishing to target them. It tends to be easier to use simulation against targets that have been in place for a long time because their stability criteria can be better measured and tested through experiment.


There are legal limitations on the use of deception for those who are engaged in legal activities, while those who are engaged in illegal activities, risk jail or, in some cases, death for their deceptions.

In the civilian environment, deceptions are acceptable as a general rule unless they involve a fraud, reckless endangerment, or libel of some sort. For example, you can legally lie to your wife (although I would advise against it), but if you use deception to get someone to give you money, in most cases it's called fraud and carries a possible prison sentence. You can legally create deceptions to defeat attacks against computer systems, but there are limits to what you can do without creating potential civil liability. For example, if you hide a virus in software and it is stolen and damages the person who stole it or an innocent bystander, you may be subject to civil suit. If someone is injured as a side effect, reckless endangerment may be involved.

Police and other governmental bodies have different restrictions. For example, police may be subject to administrative constraints on the use of deceptions, and in some cases, there may be a case for entrapment if deceptions are used to create crimes that otherwise would not have existed. For agencies like the CIA and NSA, deceptions may be legally limited to affect those outside the United States, while for other agencies, restrictions may require activities only within the United States. Similar legal restrictions exist in most nations for different actions by different agencies of their respective governments. International law is less clear on how governments may or may not deceive each other, but in general, governmental deception is allowed and is widely used.

Military environments also have legal restrictions, largely as a result of international treaties. In addition, there are codes of conduct for most militaries and these include requirements for certain limitations on deceptive behavior. For example, it is against the Geneva convention to use Red Cross or other similar markings in deceptions, to use the uniform of the enemy in combat (although use in select other circumstances may be acceptable), to falsely indicate a surrender as a feint, and to falsely claim there is an armistice in order to draw the enemy out. In general, there is the notion of good faith and certain situations where you are morally obligated to speak the truth. Deceptions are forbidden if they contravene any generally accepted rule or involve treachery or perfidy. It is especially forbidden to make improper use of a flag of truce, the national flag, the military insignia and uniform of the enemy, or the distinctive badges of the Geneva convention. [10] Those violating these conventions risk punishment ranging up to summary execution in the field.

Legalities are somewhat complex in all cases and legal council and review should be considered before any questionable action.

Modeling Problems

From the field of game theory, many notions about strategic and tactical exchanges have been created. Unfortunately, game theory is not as helpful in these matters as it might be both because it requires that a model be made in order to perform analysis and because, for models as complex as the ones we are already using in deception analysis, the complexity of the resulting decision trees often become so large as to defy computational solution. Fortunately, there is at least one other way to try to meet this challenge. This solution lies in the area of "model-based situation anticipation and constraint". [5] In this case, we use large numbers of simulations to sparsely cover a very large space.

In each of these cases, the process of analysis begins with models. Better models generally result in better results but sensitivity analysis has shown that we do not need extremely accurate models to get usable statistical results and meaningful tactical insight. [5] This sort of modeling of deception and the scientific investigation that supports accurate modeling in this area has not yet begun in earnest, but it seems certain that it must.

One of the keys to understanding deception in a context is that the deceptions are oriented toward the overall systems that are our targets. In order for us to carry out meaningful analysis, we must have meaningful models. If we do not have these models, then we will likely create a set of deceptions that succeed against the wrong targets and fail against the desired targets, and in particular, we will most likely be deceiving ourselves.

The main problem we must first address is what to model. In our case, the interest lies in building more effective deceptions to protect systems against attacks by sophisticated intelligence services, insiders with systems administration privileges, and enemy overruns of a position.

These three targets are quite different and they may ultimately have to be modeled in detail independently of each other, but there are some common themes. In particular, we believe we will need to build cognitive models of computer systems, humans, and their interactions as components of target systems. Limited models of attack strengths and types associated with these types of targets exist [5] in a form amenable to simulation and analysis. These have not been integrated into a deception framework and development has not been taken to the level of specific target sets based on reasonable intelligence estimates.

There have been some attempts to model deceptions before invoking them in the past. One series of examples is the series of deceptions starting with the Deception ToolKit, [6] leading to the D-Wall, [7] and then to the other projects. In these cases, increasingly detailed models of targets of defensive deceptions were made and increasingly complex and effective deceptions were achieved.

Unintended Consequences

Deceptions may have many consequences, and these may not all be intended when the deceptions are used. Planning to avoid unintended consequences and limit the effects of the deceptions to just the target raises complex issues.

In the case of these deception technologies, this is an intended consequence that causes defenders to become confused about their vulnerabilities. This then has to be mitigated by adjusting the results of the scanning mechanism based on knowledge of what is a known defensive deception. In general, these issues can be quite complex.

In this case, the particular problem is that the deception affected observables of cognitive systems other than the intended target. In addition the responses of the target may indirectly affect others. For example, if we force a target to spend their money on one thing, the finiteness of the resource means that they will not spend that money on something else. That something else, in a military situation, might include feeding their prisoners, who also happen to be our troops.

All deceptions have the potential for unintended consequences. From the deceiver's perspective this is then an operations security issue. If you don't tell your forces about a deception you risk it being treated as real, while telling your own forces risks revealing the deception, either through malice or the natural difference between their response to the normal situation and the known deception.

Another problem is the potential for misassociation and misattribution. For example, if you are trying to train a target to respond to a certain action on your part with a certain action or inaction on their part, the method being used for the training may be misassociated by the target so that the indicators they use are not the ones you thought they would use. In addition, as the target learns from experiencing deceptions, they may develop other behaviors that are against your desires.


Many studies appear in the psychological literature on counterdeception [50] but little work has been done on the cognitive issues surrounding computer-based deception of people and targeting computers for deception. No metrics relating to effectiveness of deception were shown in any study of computer-related deception we were able to find. The one exception is in the provisioning of computers for increased integrity, which is generally discussed in terms of (1) honesty and truthfulness, (2) freedom from unauthorized modification, and (3) correspondence to reality. Of these, only freedom from unauthorized modification has been extensively studied for computer systems. There are studies that have shown that people tend to believe what computers indicate to them, but few of these are helpful in this context.

Pamela Kalbfleisch categorized counterdeception in face-to-face interviews according to the following schema. [53] (1) No nonsense, (2) Criticism, (3) Indifference, (4) Hammering, (5) Unkept secret, (6) Fait accompli, (7) Wages alone, (8) All alone, (9) Discomfort and relief, (10) Evidence bluff, (11) Imminent discovery, (12) Mum's the word (13) Encouragement, (14) Elaboration, (15) Diffusion of responsibility, (16) Just having fun, (17) Praise (18) Excuses, (19) It's not so bad, (20) Others have done worse, (21) Blaming (22) Buildup of lies, (23) No explanations allowed, (24) Repetition, (25) Compare and contrast, (26) Provocation, (27) Question inconsistencies as they appear, (28) Exaggeration, (29) Embedded discovery, (30) A chink in the defense, (31) Self-disclosure, (32) Point of deception cues, (33) You are important to me, (34) Empathy, (35) What will people think?, (36) Appeal to pride, (37) Direct approach, and (38) Silence. It is also noteworthy that most of these counterdeception techniques themselves depend on deception and stem, perhaps indirectly, from the negotiation tactics of Karrass. [33]

Extensive studies of the effectiveness of counter deception techniques have indicated that success rates with face-to-face techniques rarely exceed 60% accuracy and are only slightly better at identifying lies than truths. Even poorer performance result from attempts to counter deception by examining body language and facial expressions. As increasing levels of control are exerted over the subject, increasing care is taken in devising questions toward a specific goal, and increasing motivation for the subject to lie are used, the rate of deception detection can be increased with verbal techniques such as increased response time, decreased response time, too consistent or pat answers, lack of description, too ordered a presentation, and other similar indicators. The aide of a polygraph device can increase accuracy to about 80% detection of lies and more than 90% detection of truths for very well structured and specific sorts of questioning processes. [50]

The limits of the target in terms of detecting deception leads to limits on the need for high fidelity in deceptions. The lack of scientific studies of this issue inhibit current capabilities to make sound decisions without experimentation.


The following table summarizes the dimensions and issues involved:
Limited Resources lead to Controlled Focus of Attention

By pressuring or taking advantage of pre-existing circumstances focus of attention can be stressed. In addition, focus can be inhibited, enhanced, and through the combination of these, redirected.

All Deception is a Composition of Concealments and Simulations

Concealments inhibit observation while simulations enhance observation. When used in combination they provide the means for redirection.

Memory and Cognitive Structure Force Uncertainty, Predictability, and Novelty

The limits of cognition force the use of rules of thumb as shortcuts to avoid the paralysis of analysis. This provides the means for inducing desired behavior through the discovery and exploitation of these rules of thumb in a manner that restricts or avoids higher level cognition.

Time, timing, and sequence are critical

All deceptions have limits in planning time, time to perform, time till effect, time till discovery, sustainability, and sequences of acts.

Observables Limit Deception

Target, target allies, and deceiver observables limit deception and deception control.

Operational Security is a Requirement

Determining what needs to be kept secret involves a trade off that requires metrics in order to properly address.

Cybernetics and System Resource Limitations

Natural tendencies to retain stability lead to potentially exploitable movement or retention of stability states.

The Recursive Nature of Deception

Recursion between parties leads to uncertainty that cannot be perfectly resolved but that can be approached with an appropriate basis for association to ground truth.

Large Systems are Affected by Small Changes

For organizations and other complex systems, finding the key components to move and finding ways to move them forms a tactic for the selective use of deception to great effect.

Even Simple Deceptions are Often Quite Complex

The complexity of what underlies a deception makes detailed analysis quite a substantial task.

Simple Deceptions are Combined to Form Complex Deceptions

Big deceptions are formed from small sub-deceptions and yet they can be surprisingly effective.

Knowledge of the Target

Knowledge of the target is one of the key elements in effective deception.


There are legal restrictions on some sorts of deceptions and these must be considered in any implementation.

Modeling Problems

There are many problems associated with forging and using good models of deception.

Unintended Consequences

You may fool your own forces, create mis-associations, and create mis-attributions. Collateral deception has often been observed.


Target capabilities for counterdeception may result in deceptions being detected.

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