TADMUS Decision Support System

The Decision Support System (DSS) is a tool constructed to evaluate display concepts derived from current cognitive theory that enhance the performance of tactical decision makers (viz., the CO and TAO working as a team). The approach taken in designing the DSS was to analyze the cognitive tasks performed by decision makers in a shipboard Combat Information Center and then to develop a set of displays to support these tasks based on the underlying decision making processes used by the CO/TAO team.

The DSS is organized into three general areas. The top half (Track Summary, Track Profile, Response Manager) is oriented to present critical information about a single track as efficiently as possible. The middle portion of the screen (Basis for Assessment, Comparison to Norms) presents historical track data in terms of its classification as friendly, neutral, or threat. The bottom section of the display (Track Priority List, Alerts List) shows summary information related to all targets.

Track Summary

This module summarizes current data related to a selected track. It is intended to provide "quick look" data presented in a meaningful manner related to track kinematics and overall status (threat, neutral or friendly) of the target. It was designed in response to the mental conversion and readability deficiencies of character read-out displays in current displays.

Track Profile

This module consists of two graphical displays showing the current position of a selected track in both horizontal and plan-form displays. An important aspect of this display is that it shows a historical plot of what the target has done in space and time since it was first acquired by the system. This greatly offloads the short term memory requirements on the CO and TAO in performing their tasks. This historical dimension of the display allows the decision maker to see what the track has done and primes his recognition of a likely mission for that track which would account for its actions. In addition, the profiles show weapon and threat envelopes displayed in terms of range and altitude so that the decision maker can visualize and compare mental models (templates) as he considers possible track intentions and own ship options.

Response Manager

This display shows the critical actions as bars based on range from own ship by the ROE / Battle Orders and pre-planned responses for each particular category of track. The bars display the optimal window for completing different events in the ROEs, and are colored to reflect whether or not that action has been completed for this track. Thus, the response manager acts both as a prompt for "next actions" and as a memory aid for actions already taken.

Basis for Assessment

This window is intended to support explanation based reasoning. This module presents the underlying data used to generate the threat assessment for the displayed track. It presents these data in a tabular format with three categories "Supporting Evidence", "Counter Evidence", and "Assumptions". This module may be particularly effective in helping avoid potential "Blue-on-Blue/White" engagements.

Comparison to Norms

This display shows existing data for a track relative to established threat / non-threat norms for that type of track and determines how well the behavior or information on that tracks fits the normative data for that target classification as threat, unknown or friendly. The relative fit is shown by one of three colors in columns of color coded "chips". The appearance of any misfit colors would signal the decision maker that there is ambiguous or conflicting data about the track and cause him to consider alternative explanations / classifications for the track.

Track Priority List & Alerts

This module is located at the bottom of the DSS display and is intended to support the decision maker in his attempt to maintain general situation awareness, i.e. the "big picture". It is intended to help the decision maker manage his own cognitive resources, i.e. attention. The track priority list lists the highest priority tracks currently in terms of their threat to the ship. The Alert window is linked to the track priority list. It normally displays the last alert issued for each displayed track.