What's New:
- 2025-02 - The Addiction Mcahine
- 2025-01 - Build Backups Better
- 2024-12 - Simple Stupid Secure Short-term Servers
- 2024-11 - How to steal a billion IDs and Passwords and how to prevent it - Trust Architecture
- 2024-10 - So many things - so little time
- 2024-09 - Truth, Lies, and AI
- 2024-08 - Vacation
- 2024-07-D - Security MUCs it up again
- 2024-07-C - Watching the Influence War
- 2024-07-B - They found my email address on the dark web
- 2024-07 - RSA and Influence Operations
- 2024-06-D - A few words on causality
- 2024-06-C - Virtual reality makes it easier to do wrong things
Now with added commentary by Charles Preston
- 2024-06-B - How bad is the infiltration of false information?
- 2024-06 - (NP) Social DoS of the Classified World
- 2024-05 - A different view of the future
- 2024-04-C - Tracking You
- 2024-04-B - All.net - Still Unencrypted for Your Protection
- 2024-04 - The Dimensions of the Problem Space
- 2024-03 - Multifactor Foul Up
- 2024-02 - Breaking through the cognitive barrage
- 2024-01-B - The infiltration threat
- 2024-01 - The accumulation of consequences over time
- 2023-12-C - Why is all this crazy stuff globally happening?
- 2023-12-B - So-called secure provenance
- 2023-12 - CISO jail time (not really, but...)
- 2023-11-D - Some comments on the Phish Scale
- 2023-11-C - Lies, Facts, Truth, and Consequences
- 2023-11-B - What's going on? (World War is coming)
- 2023-11 - Silence in the face of evil is complicity
- 2023-11-A - Why Federated models in AI leak secrets
- 2023-10 - Asking the right questions
- 2023-09 - Security theater at the cost of Availability
- 2023-08 - The do nothing defense
- 2023-07 - I'm getting bored with the talk of the board
- 2023-06 - Why does it seem like more attacks are taking place?
- 2023-05B - Another day, another RSA
- 2023-05 - Generative AI and the abuse of social media
- 2023-04B - Why does a 20 year old have access to TS/SCI and what do we do about it?
- 2023-04 - API Security vs. AUI security
- 2022-03B - An approach to gun control you will not like, and neither do I
- 2023-03 - Why has stupid taken over?
- Sieves Run the program AND Play the video
- 2023-02-B - So you're looking for a cyber security board member for your public company...
- 2023-02 - The Threat Environment - 6 questions
- 2023-01-13 - Cybersecurity Technology to Practice (workshop slides)
- 2023-01 - Why we cannot trust AI (or most people for that matter)
- 2022-12B - How long to guess your password?
- 2022-12 - Crime Pays
- 2022-11 - From ZT to MT - Clothes for the emperor
- 2022-10 - The assumption of breach
- 2022-09 - So many things - so little time
- 2022-08B - Freedom of Speech is not a License to Lie
- 2022-08 - The now all too common MFA exploitation by MFA - confusing the issue
- 2022-07 - Encrypted is not Secured, and https is even worse
- Getting over the Cyber Security Action Threshold (Originally recorded 2022-01-05)
- 2022-06 - Confidence in code (or AI)
- 2022-05-17 Zero Trust and PAM: When Worlds Collide (slides) - [YouTube Video]
- 2019-2020 Oya Cybersecurity Podcast with Adam Gordon and Fred Cohen
- CyFluencer interview about a wide range of cyber security issues
- Investing in your Cyber Security (Originally recorded 2021-12-15 or thereabouts)
- 2022-05-B - Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt vs. Self-Confidence
- 2022-05 - Gamification and the Metaverse
- Think Fast - Read Between the Lions
- Cyber Due Diligence (Originally recorded 2021-11-10 or thereabouts)
- 2022-04 - What happened to the cyberwar?
- Security Load Explode (Originally recorded 2021-10-19 or thereabouts)
- 2022-03 - It's all about the Rubles
- Extortion and Ransomware (Originally recorded 2021-09-22)
- 2022-02-04 - Chris and Fred on Cybeats Powerhouse Perspectives
- 2022-02 - Privilege Escalation and Trust
- 2022-01 - Theorem 0 - I exist (trust me)
- 2021-12 - Some results in cybersecurity and why they may be interesting
- 2021-11: Doug and Fred on Cybersecurity Governance at TechVision Research Chrysalis Conference
- The ONE Page Your Board Members Should Read About Cyber-Security... from Aug 14, 2018
- "I have zero trust in their approach. In large part, because they have 'zero trust' in their approach."
- 2021-11B - Dem bugs Dem bugs, Dey gonna rise again
- 2021-11 - When the consequences are disproportionate to the operational acts (e.g., Facebook)
- 2021-10 - Users simply cannot get it right all the time
- 2021-09 - There is no "best practice" or "100%" in Cyber Security
- 2021-08 - Firewalls are alive and well: here's why
- 2021-07-20 FOREFRONT Brochure and Slides and Video
- 2021-07 - Getting around authentication
- 2021-06L - Cybersecurity From Scratch - Part 11: The Halting Problem - Video
- 2021-06K - Cybersecurity From Scratch - Part 10: Testing - Video
- CyberSecurity From Scratch - Intro Videos Background
/ GWiz™ / Gigs
/ The Big Picture
- 2021-06C - Security Load Explode!
- 2021-06J - Cybersecurity From Scratch - Part 9: Into the weeds... - Video
- 2021-06E - The very real potential for rapidly escalating cyber conflict leading toward ...
- 2021-06D - 20 Reasons Russia will Never Defeat our All.Net Security
- 2021-06B - Don't trust Zero Trust - The Whole of Government Approach
- 2021-06 - Don't trust Zero Trust or so-called Best Practices
- 2021-05I - Cybersecurity From Scratch - Part 8: To the Control Architecture - Video
- 2021-05H - Cybersecurity From Scratch - Part 7: Whatever happened to Part 6? - Video
- 2021-05B - Cyberspace vs. COVID-19 - 7.8 Billion People to Help - And you can help them!
- 2021-05G - Cybersecurity From Scratch - Part 5: Starting to rock - but for a role! - Video
- 2021-05F - Cybersecurity From Scratch - Part 4: Impulse engines (a few bursts of energy) - Video
- 2021-05 - Bad decision-making OR Making bad decisions?
- 2021-04E - Cybersecurity From Scratch - Part 3: Change happens (quickly and slowly) - Video
- 2021-04D - Cybersecurity From Scratch - Part 2: First Decisions - Video
- 2021-04C - Cybersecurity From Scratch - Part 1: The startup - Video
- 2021-04B - Without an opinion, you're just another person with data.
- 2021-04 - Stupid Security Screen-sharing - Brought to you by Zoom!
- 2021-03C - How to defeat any system
- 2021-03B - Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The egg...
- 2021-03 - If stupidity was a virtue
- 2021-02 - B-BOM and SID
- 2021-01 - The first steps in your cyber security program
- What used to be new - at all.net
"If you think about it intensely for three years, it's obvious" - Virgil Gligor on a computer security issue
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke
"There is no limit to stupidity." - Dario V. Forte
"The best speeches come down to 4 words (levity, brevity,
charity, clarity) and 5 lines (an outline, headline, frontline,
sideline and bottom line)." - Ted Sorensen
Richard Feynman on the scientific method
"When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong." - Arthur C. Clarke
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