Generated Fri Oct 22 07:13:06 PDT 1999 by

  • [Oconnor92] R. O'connor, Legendary Names of Illicit Computer 'cracking' Indicted Skilled Ring of 5 Invaded Telephone, Credit-reporting Systems, U.S. Says, San Jose Mercury News (SJ) - Thursday, July 9, 1992 Morning Final Edition, Front Page: 1A [Mark Abene -- known in cracker circles by the alias Phiber Optik -- and Elias Ladopoulos -- who uses the alias Acid Phreak -- were part of a "closely knit group" of skilled programmers calling themselves "MOD" who since at least 1989 broke into systems owned by Pacific Bell, Southwestern Bell, New York Telephone, US West, TRW and Trans Union, according to the U.S. attorney's office in Manhattan. All five men are between the ages of 18 and 22 and live in New York.]