[iwar] Historical posting

From: Fred Cohen
From: fc@all.net
To: iwar@onelist.com

Mon, Jan 1, 1999

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Date: Mon, Jan 1, 1999
From: Fred Cohen 
Reply-To: iwar@egroups.com
Subject: [iwar] Historical posting


 In reference to the following view expressed by Glenn Williamson:
> From: "Glenn Williamson" grwilliamson@h...
> I think current government thinking is along the lines of defensive nature,
> but the post side of a defensive nature is developing an offensive nature.
> How can you learn what you would need defensivly without learning the flip
> side.

I would disagree with the seeming assumptions here:
	1) You can't be good at defense without being good at offense
	2) That the offensive side is sharing with the defensive side

> The US government has long been under attack by well known individuals who
> have decided to wage their version of cyber-warfare on it's own soil. What

Who are these individuals? What specific evidence do you have? Can you
point us to stories, examples, references, personal experience?

> There are lots of threads on the defensive issue, unversities are the
> greatest ones for these, they are the ones currently researching into the
> defensive measure. You can't find an IDS system out there without realizing
> that it was partialially or totally developed by students.

In my experience, universities are and have long been the last to come
to this issue, they are doing it poorly, few substantial research
results have come out of universities, and they are always way behind
the results from other sectors in this field.  I can't find an IDS
system out there that came from a university.  Can you identify one in
real-world use?

I guess we must see things very differently, but I invite you to prove
these beliefs of mine wrong with some facts.